Monday, September 10, 2007

Shockingly Intimate

I just returned from Tango class...yes, this urban mystic is learning the Tango...I googled "tango" and one of the descriptions of the dance was "shockingly intimate." That seems perfect for my experience of myself and my life, of the Divine and my interactions of late..."shockingly intimate." That is what I want in my be and to experience the shockingly intimate, the beautifully sensual, the embodiment of the mystical in human form.

Shockingly intimate with my body and its form, its beauty, the trapped emotions that live in it, its aliveness and strength, its capacity for expression...I am discovering this through nourishing my body, its pleasures, its need, its delights and its moving it with yoga (Kundalini, Hatha and Vinyasana), ecstatic dance, running, intimate bodywork and now, the Argentine Tango.

Shockingly intimate with my mind...its intensity, its dialogue, its fears, its rants and raves, judgements, curiosities, its highly-wired connection to Divine inspiration and ideas...sometimes I feel like a fire hose of Divine energy has connected itself to my crown and is just pouring down through me.

Shockingly intimate with my heart...its cracks, missing pieces, its depth, its dilations and its constrictions, its suppleness and its hardness...the range of emotion experienced, the depth of feeling, ecstasy, love, compassion, anger, fear, and mostly gratitude, sweet sweet gratitude.

Shockingly intimate with my soul, its passion, its liberation, the magnitude of its beauty, my soul's beauty and creativity and transforming much I love engagement with other souls, passion, breath on my breath, touch, silence, union, play, birthing, midwifing, dancing, diving...the darkness, the light...the mixture of it all like the stars in the midnight sky.

Shockingly intimate with my Beloveds...this community and others swirling along with it...on Sunday I launched my "naked ministry"....I told the community gathered in the sanctuary that one of the results of my retreat (or as Johnny calls it "my advance") is that I am called to be naked, revealed in my own process of awakening my sacred heart...not to just prepare some spiritual lesson and serve it up on a Sunday...but to stand in the presence of community, to be in the Presence of God and to show up and reveal what this transformational, alchemical process looks, feels, sounds, smells and tastes like in a very intimate...shockingly intimate way. I want my being and my doing and my speaking and my silence and my words and my pauses to be ESSENTIAL...a naked ministry...a naked revelation...a naked dispensation is essential to the birthing of a new world order...a Christed LOVE Experience. Naked is how we appear to God...naked is how I vow to appear in the world.

It is time dear ones TO GET not cover reveal the Mystery in your own sacred heart...your own glorious form!

I received an email from one of my Beloveds that I have only spoken a few words to (maybe a dozen) in our lifetime together...yet there is a knowing and a travelling together...He was kind enough to send me an email tonight sharing his experience of this "naked ministry" this past Sunday ~ the first "speaking engagement" since the 40-days...He titled the email, "Holy Shit" -- which is exquisitely perfect and my sentiments exactly...

Hi Anakha, I wanted to write sooner but, I'm still recovering from Sunday. (Just can't take you anywhere, can I?) I'm in constant"dialogue" with you anyway so, I guess that'll do. There's SO much I'm moved to talk to you about but, this will have to do for a while...I wanted to discuss our (yours & mine) greatest gift/challenge;Passion...But, after Sunday I'm called to wait and see how it plays out...You are so "on fire"!!!! It doesn't happen often but I am so humbled by your great gift. (as you must be) It was as if something exploded Sunday...I left feeling dazed and deeply touched. As I'm sure most people there were also. I know it felt just primal but all your Chakras were in unison. (WOW!) Enough said. I hope this makes sense. Yea, you're essential alright...Transcendentally essential!!

Gaston Blanchard, a French philosopher and architect, wrote the Poetics of Space and studied the relationship of space to the Soul...and what he discovered was that a space that is intimate, intense and immense give the Soul a sense of Grandeur....And, it is the same with our Souls...when we live and embody the mystical in the real...when we walk this beautiful and treacherous path where sand meets sea...we experience the full spectrum of our Souls and we live in Grandeur...we live the full range -- vertically, horizontally, dimensionally...cosmically

And, it is in this place that our being and our living become....

Intense, devastatingly (in a sublime way) intense
Intimate, shockingly (in a delight-full way) intimate
Immense, expansively (in a liberating way) immense

And it is this experience that keeps us birthing and becoming and is this experience that as Meister Eckhart says...keeps us giving birth to the Divine..."What does God do all day? God gives birth!" And now that we have discovered the immense void (black hole discovery in the Universe, we can be sure God has lots of creating and birthing to do...the God within us and the God among us.

We are celebrating the feast of the Eternal Birth which God the Father has borne and never ceases to bear in all eternity.... But if it takes not place in me, what avails it? Everything lies in this, that it should take place in me. ~ Meister Eckhart ~

Tell me Beloveds, of your experiences of the shockingly intimate...let this be our spiritual stay connected to Self and God and to include other in that intimate and ecstatic union.

This is the Mystical Tango...the dance of full embodiment of the transcendental in the imminent.

Sweet, Shockingly Sweet, Dreams!

In Honor of Christ Yeshua's Most Beautiful Embodiment of the Sacred Heart...
Allaha Huba

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