Friday, September 21, 2007

7-Eleven Night Shift

Veronica asked the other day if I was leading a "revival of the spiritually elite." That brings a smile to my face 'cause most the time I consider myself an embryo in this dance of awakening. Her question gave me cause to reflect...what is it I am doing? I think what I am on about is becoming Love...not just loving, but becoming Love -- full on unbridled, unbound, unrestricted Love. And yes, I think some of the "spiritually elite" have forgotten what it means to be human, to be in a body...we have forgotten that we have emotions and darkness and human needs and base desires...and yes, I am calling all of us addicted to the experience of transcendence -- the hiding out in the mystical realms and caves of solitude that remove us from the here and now experience where peace can happen, where love can be embodied...yes, I am calling all of us from the towers of enlightenment to the streets of sacred activism and the fully embodied divine human experience. And, simultaneously, I am calling those that have lived their lives suppressed, depressed and hiding in addiction, afraid to venture out of their own prisons of crime, violence, drugs and habitual sinking...I am calling all of us out of the dark corners of hiding into the Light. This is a revolution of the so called spiritually elite and the so called perpetually lost. We each have our highly developed ways of hiding and of playing small.

Yes, Veronica this is a revival...a revival of embodied, sacred, Christic Love that encompasses all and excludes none. It is a revival of the awakened body, illumined mind, radiant heart and liberated soul...this is the Christed experience Yeshua spoke of and that he demonstrated in the world. This is the way, the life, the truth -- to be here fully present body, heart, spirit and mind in and as the I AM Presence and forever opening to the fires of Divine Love.

Now for the real naked heart revelation of the day...

I have always wanted to work the night shift at 7-Eleven. I have fantasized at being behind that counter for years, making those cheese and beef nachos for people that come in at midnight craving a supply of junk food to match their beer buzz (I was one of those people in college!).
I would love to drink cherry slurpies all night and secretly read the tabloids and People magazine. I would bust open a package of red licorice around 1 a.m. and read the paper. I would eat Hershey's kisses one by one by one as I stared numbly at the late night TV hosts telling their jokes. I would wear my red 7-Eleven shirt with pride. I would become best friends with all those men and women that drive delivery trucks with Doritos, Pepsi, Beef Sticks and Coors loaded onto them. I would smile at each person that came into the store, I would notice them, how their faces looked and what they were buying. I would wonder about ~ and at times, inquire about ~ how they were and what was going on in their lives. I would have locals that would come just to buy their 48 oz. of soda from me. I would win 7-Eleven employee of the month at least 6 times a year.

I am really quite an ordinary girlwomangoddess...neither spiritually elite or perpetually lost but some beautiful combination of the two. One thing I can say about this naked heart, this ecstatic heart mystic is this girl's got range...I believe we all do. Part of awakening to the sacred heart is discovering that range, dropping the perpetual stories of who we are, what we like and don't like, who we hang with and who we don't, what we believe and what we don't....

Just drop all those outdated, worn out, over used ideas of who you are and become a Mystery into and onto yourself!

What are your fantasies Beloveds? Anyone ever dream of working the night shift at 7-Eleven or do you tend to be an AM/PM sort of crowd?

Kombucha Baby!

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1 comment:

Gene Latimer said...

As someone who's had a recent heart opening (on the Solar Eclipse), I would like to offer testimony to the truth of Anakha's message. For me, it's meant opening to the full spectrum of feelings -- to drop the defensive mechanisms and let the anxiety/shame/hurt/fear/deepest longings/yearnings/love move through me, impact me. To register the pure joy and wondrous power of embracing my own unsorted, undiluted nature. To recognize that my true joy and power arise only out of this full-spectrum reality -- because to fragment and separate my feelings into the good/bad bins is to cut myself off from the Source of Life within me.

That's a bad deal: so-called comfort for early death. Don't want to do that anymore.