Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Sacred Heart Sanctuary

The Sacred Heart Sanctuary was founded in Portland, Oregon today, September 4, 2007...the articles of incorporation and business name registered. The mystery continues to unfold...my experience today reminds me of the story of Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath...the oil and the jars -- 2 Kings 4:1-7 (www.biblegateway.com) and the call to faith and the promise that if we create the sacred space...if we gather the containers "the jars" then we will be filled with the Sacred, the manna from Heaven...and that it is God's pleasure to overflow us in Good...the story of the widow is yet another reminder that we are called to "live by faith, not by sight." The widow sees that she has a "handful of flour and a small bottle of oil," yet Elijah directs her to gather empty jars...to demonstrate her faith in action...to believe that the Divine, that God, is the true Source of everything received. For me it is a reminder to keep my faith centered in the Source of all and to not fall into illusion about where my supply, my good will come from and to remain centered and calm in the I AM which puts me in the flow of Love and in connection with the "true vine." Beloved Martin Luther King once said, "take the first step in faith, you don't need to see the whole staircase." So Beloveds, let us devote ourselves to being ecstatic heart mystics that take the first steps in faith and allow the Divine to rise to meet us. One step at a time...

So today, a first step in faith...into the mystery of what this Sacred Heart Sanctuary will become. I will share with you an excerpt from my dialogue with Yeshua from the retreat...dated August 3, 2007:

Anakha: What would you like me to know about this Yeshua…

I would like you to start the Sacred Heart Sanctuary, a place for the Beloved Community to gather, a place to conduct the sacraments of High Alchemy, a place to nurture the awakening of the Sacred Heart, a place for respite, rejuvenation, a place of joyful worship and praise, a place of creativity and expression. Mission similar to the Carmelites (http://www.carmelites.net/tradition/index.html) …to support one another in knowing, uniting, expressing and becoming God. This is a spiritual community of people committed to the Christ path. They will come…they already exist and are searching…”build it…they will come” sounds cliché…and yet, that is what I am asking you to do. Find the space, create the sanctuary, open the doors…you will be fully funded to do this given your inheritance. Begin looking when you return home. It will be easy to find. Money and financing are not an issue. Begin establishing the financial and legal documents. From the beginning, integrity in all matters. I would like you to begin and lead this…others will join and leadership will be shared as the vision matures, for now…you are my servant leader…leading as guided.

Are there spiritual principles that you would like this founded on?

The core worship will be the sacraments. The commandment “det haboon had l’had akyana d’ena ahabtekoon (love one another as I have loved you).” The vows similar to the Carmelites and the Beloved Community http://www.lightparty.com/Spirituality/ThreeVows.html. It is really quite simple.The mysteries of the Sacred Heart can be deepened and expanded and explored in this place.

The Name?

Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart

Thank you for blessing me by receiving my ramblings and doodlings...thank you for helping me birth my Sacred Heart...thank you for your Being!

With a burning love for all...

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