Saturday, September 22, 2007


(Also from Saturday night...delayed posting)

My words are few tonight, my heart full with love's silent awakening. I am coming home to myself now, the Lover that I am is coming home to herself. To nurture and tend to this life of mine. And I am so very grateful. I am grateful for those that have loved me while she has been away, submerged...held underground like Persephone. I have traveled to the Underworld and I have made it past the guardians at the Threshold...I have surfaced with the Beloved, I have made it back alive.

Thank you to all of my Beloveds that have been there while I slept walked through my life. Your love coursed through my veins, supplying me with what I could not give myself. You were my life support in the dark night of the heart. Tonight I am especially grateful for two people in this world who have unconditionally and unceasingly loved me, for it is through your love and God's that I have come to fall madly in love with the one that has been here all along.

Delayne and Gene, I love you compeltely and am forever grateful for your loving, through all conditions.

May we all be blessed with Lovers in our life who with one kiss awaken us from our slumber and whose presence warms us when we are shivering in the cold.


1 comment:

Gene Latimer said...'s been a sometimes bumpy but profoundly sweet journey to this point.

would not have missed it for anything...