Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Priestess of the Sacred Heart Awakening

I am slowing down and inspiration is speeding up. As I slow my pace, sink into the silence, and become still...I am filled with the I AM. This is my second day of a seven day fast, preparing for the Sacrament of Holy Orders...ordination, this Sunday. I am noticing that as I slow down, return to breathing Yeshua and as my organs rest, Divine Inspiration speeds up and floods my being. Less of me, more of God present in my being, in my doing and in my life. This is my desire, my intention, "may I decrease so the I Am that I Am can increase." Slowing the pace, feasting on the Beloved, fasting from the fascination with self, with past, with doubt. Turning and returning to the mission of bringing the sacred mysteries, teachings and embodied practices of Awakening the Sacred Heart to the world...to each of you, my Beloveds. The Sacred Heart is the individualized Soul that we live within. It is the Sacred Womb that carries the oneness that is Truth. It is not a local in the body...it is a state and station of being that includes the entirety of our identity and the fullness of I AM. It holds the bliss and the beauty of ecstatic union.

I am so excited and so completely turned on at the thought of fully living this experience of awakening the sacred heart and of writing about it and sharing all that is revealed with you and with the world. What is driving me? The idea, no beyond that, the KNOWING that we can and will become embodied, sacred love. That this alchemy is available, this wisdom is available, this path is available. And I, Anakha Shannon Coman have been gifted (and at times burdened) with the yoke of carrying the integration of the mysteries and the teachings and the practices of becoming Christ into full expression in the world. What I am committing to bringing forward will impact and transform and resurrect and illumine real people, real challenges and real life experiences. I commit the fullness of my being to the full and fiery birth of this within me and within the world. It is a choice point for me today...to retreat is to die a death of soul, of succulence and vitality...to advance is to explode into a realm of aliveness, succulence, vitality, wholeness and integrity that I have only tasted up until now. This realm is available to us all...I am inviting you to journey there with me, to SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE (I am begging you to post your comments on this blog so that I am not dancing this solo, please Tango with me) and to learn with me this radical and ecstatic dance of the sacred heart awakening.

Dive with me into the Awakened Body, the Illumined Mind, the Radiant Heart and the Liberated Soul...these are the chambers that hold the mysteries of the Sacred Heart that were revealed during the 40 days. It is time for me to begin, a full immersion into these mysteries, teachings and practices -- to learn and to be forever transformed in, by, through and as Sacred Love.

Come with me, Beloveds...Come, this will be, without any doubt, the journey of our lifetime!

In celebration of our radiant succulence and embodied juiciness,

Your Beloved Priestess, Servant and Student of the Sacred Heart Awakening,

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Wow! Back to the future and the seeds of transformation. G!D speed Priestess of the soul and embodied spirit and love.