Friday, September 7, 2007

Gamble Everything for Love

Toilet water, dishwater, tap water, spring water or perfume water?
Where do you want to swim?
We have a choice...each moment to choose...
What will nourish and fortify me?
What will bring me pleasure, joy and delight?
What will give rise to my own ecstatic and Sacred Heart?
What will be my yes and what will be my no?

If it is true, that we have hungry hearts and that we are host to a core, sacred hunger that when fed will lead us into the creation of a newly awakened and beautifully expressed mankind...then, these are the questions that when honestly and incisively answered (and I do mean answering with a razor's-edge integrity), will begin to take us in the direction of aliveness, creativity, passion, love and compassion that is the Awakened Sacred Heart! This means we begin in this NOW moment to choose foods, movements, experiences, expressions, relationships, places and spaces that encourage the opening of the heart, the expansion and expression of love and aliveness and passion and compassion. All of these are wondrous antidotes for the Great Numbing...the Great Depression that we are collectively living today.

As my body worker said to me today, "we are going for juicy Anakha!"


So, I ask you with the utmost sincerity and truest curiosity, what is juicing your heart, dilating your mind and rocketing your Spirit these days Beloveds?

Are you ready to make choices that will nourish you, fortify you, fill you and sustain you like never before?

Are you ready to take in pleasure...embodied pleasure that comes with making choices to give and receive Love of the most divinely and simultaneously most human kind?

Are you ready to leave those mean-spirited roadhouses, those places where dullness, deadness, slumbering numbness and half-hearted agreements have been made -- you know the kind...I won't show up if you won't...I will stay in denial if you will...I won't become my most magnificent Self if you won't, I won't leave if you won't, I won't address xyz if you won't...Let's just keep playing at being adults, let's just act out life instead of living know what I am referring to right? We probably all have a few of those lingering in the corner of the closet...or worse yet, taking up real-estate in the front yard of our lives.

What is the price of this sort of anorexic existence? What happens when we don't take in real nourishment and pleasure and settle for mediocrity and soul stripping experiences? What happens when we stay in places, careers, relationships, addictions, ways of being that don't feed our Sacred Hunger and don't nourish the Sacred Heart? We play home and host to a whole laundry list of conditions and experiences that fill up the Caroline Myss would say, "we finance disease with our energy." We short-circuit the magnitude of Divine Inspiration, Divine Wisdom, Divine Vision, Divine Creativity that is just waiting and wanting to pour into our lives...we clog our systems, we stop our lives...

Soul Loss
Body Armor
Lack of Joy
Deadened or Distorted Sexuality
Loss of Curiosity
Loss of or Exaggerated Power
De-Sensitized Response to Violence
Suppressed Emotions

That is not the menu I am proposing we eat from today Dear Ones...I am proposing that we take inventory...loving inventory of how things are stacking up in the nourishment and pleasure departments. And yes, this is a matter of choosing Life or choosing Death, of choosing Heaven or of choosing Hell, of choosing to BE HERE NOW or to fade away until all that is left is some shell of who we might of been, couldashouldawoulda have been.

Let's take a wholly, holy vow today... and proclaim together, "I will not live an unlived life!" Let us, as Yeshua said, "simply let our 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and our 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." (Matthew 5:37) Let us move in the way of true nourishment and soul pleasure...Let us bring forth individually and collectively what is within us, for it is written that..."If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you. If you don't bring forth what is within you, what you don't bring forth will destroy you." Yeshua, Gospel of Thomas

Let us awaken together the slumbering giant...The One Sacred Heart...

Sacred Heart Vow

I vow today to gamble everything for love,
To fully awaken my own Sacred Heart
To live my life fully awake and fully present ~ in body, heart, mind and soul
To be home and host to the Divine Presence
To have my yes be my yes
And my no be my no
To move in the direction of passion and joy
To bring forth what is within me
To take in true nourishment
To experience ecstatic pleasure
And to serve this Christed and Collective Sacred Heart Awakening
With a sweet courage, a gentle strength and a radical love
I am here now.


I will not die an unlived life.
I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid,
more accessible,
to loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance;
to live so that which came to me as seed
goes to the next as blossom
and that which came to me as blossom,
goes on as fruit.

~ dawna markova

Gamble everything for love,
if you’re a true human being.
If not, leave this gathering.
Half-heartedness doesn’t reach into majesty.
You set out to find God,
but then you keep stopping for long periods
at mean-spirited roadhouses.

~ rumi

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