Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Permission to Desire

As I sat at my computer this afternoon writing the ordination ceremony, I listened to Neil Douglas-Klotz' Blessings of the Cosmos (Aramaic Prayers http://www.abwoon.com/main.html). All of these are lovely and I highly recommend them for anyone called to the mystical practices of Yeshua. One of the prayers caught my attention and had me reaching for the book that accompanied the CD. The prayer that was calling to me was entitled, "Permission to Desire." What a concept! I am giving myself permission to desire, to fully feel desire, primordial desire, authentic desire, the kind of desire that just the acknowledgement of in itself is complete and total fulfillment (I have my Buddhists friends cringing). I give myself, and I give you, full permission to desire...to experience desire and to allow desire as a vital component of living a loving and succulent life. Desire without control, desire without expectation, desire without attachment, desire without frenzy, just simple, beauty-full, essential desire! I am convinced today that denial of desire is foreign to the Soul, and death to the spark of Life within us.

I am excited just thinking about allowing this sort of indulgence into my life. What do I desire? What if I didn't attempt to sort out my desires into categories of the sacred and holy nature and desires of the sensual and secular nature? What if I allowed my desires to bless me just by the pure nature of their existence? I believe we can use the energy of desire to bring us into the realm of alive and succulent living and loving. Breath in the experience of desire, allow it to circulate and fill each organ, each cell with organic aliveness. Bring desire into the bones and into the blood and allow it to shake us up, infusing the structure of the self, of our lives. Allow the energy of desire to fill you and trust God and this sweet, sweet Universe to bring the essential to you.

I invite you to invite desire into your life...to let it rise up, to let it arrive on your breath...to let it surprise you with its mystery...to give desire full permission to make itself known.

I leave you with this love blessing from Neil Douglas~Klotz, one of Yeshua's most Beloved Messengers....

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
~ Matthew 7:7 ~

shelu wa nethyahb l'khun
be'uh wa teshkahun
qush wa nethphetah l'khun

Ask intensely --
like a straight line engraved toward
the object you want;
pray with desire --
as though you interrogated your own soul about
its deepest, most hidden longings;
and you will
receive expansively --
not only what your desire asked,
but where the elemental breath led you --
lover's doorstep, the place where you bear fruit
and become part of the universe's
power of generation and sympathy.

Search anxiously --
from the interior of your desire
to its outer embodiment --
let the inner gnawing and boiling lead you to
act passionately --
no matter how material or gross
your goal seems at first;
then you will find fulfillment
of the drive of the flesh
to accomplish its purpose
and see its destiny
Like a spring unbound, you will
gain the force
of profound stillness after an effort --
the earth's power to grow new each season.

Knock innocently --
as if you were driving a tent stake or
striking one clear note, never heard before.
Create enough space within
to receive the force you release;
hollow yourself --
purified of hidden hopes and fears,
and it shall be
opened easily --
a natural response to space created,
part of the contraction-expansion
of the universe;
and penetrated smoothly --
as the cosmos opens and closes
around your words of satisfied desire.
~ Neil Douglas-Klotz ~

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