Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Healing Crucible

Lay yourself on the slab of openness
and wait for the knife of my beauty
to gash you so deep with the Beloved's radiance
that you can never recover.
~ Rumi ~
From tonight's "Making Love with the Mystery" writing class...unedited thoughts...20 minutes of raw, naked exposure. Drink from the Naked Heart:
The healing crucible of Love's intimacy
Calling me to know
Slowly I open my eyes to see
A glimpse of the Lover I am
Of the Life that is birthing in each cell of my being
I am mad with Love
Angry, oh so angry
My innocence stolen
Clawing, fighting, teeth gnashing
Blood dripping from my hands, my heart
I pull myself back into myself
Wrenched free from my prisoner's grip
I fight, I wail, I scream
I let loose of the grip
The monster man, the evil one
And I fall, I fall, I fall
Downward I fall
Stomach gripping, silent screams
The lost one spiraling downward
Hitting ground, dust everywhere
I lift my head and look around
Where am I?
Who am I?
Am I alive or am I dead?
Terra firma, new soil
Back in the Garden of Eden
Lush living, sensual innocence, sexual grace

I lift my face from the ground of my fall
And find myself once again
In the Lush Garden of Eden
Me, My Lover
I am my Lover in the Garden of Eden
I am the beholden one
I am the desired and the desiring
I am the one who longs to take me
Down under into the realms of
Sacred Romance
Where heat burns in my belly
Love churns in my chest
Here I am the star in the passion play
The play for passion
I play, I pray for passion
Red, red, ruby red loving
I am sprawled out on my Beloved's bed
Ruby nipples exposed
Eyes dancing with desire's longing
Radiance dripping from each pore
Love's holy crucible
Making the elixir
Mashing poison
Extracting sweetness
The Beloved grooming me
Preparing me to receive
Love's blessing
Ecstatic bliss
In giving, loving, receiving
I am becoming the honey sweet nectar
Of Love's bliss
I am becoming pure manna
Nourishment, alchemy's nourishment
for my Beloveds
My legs long spiral round
Twisting, turning, loosening
Belly warming, softening, extending
Breath deepening
Voice raspy
Eyes glossy
Present moment here I am
Naked beauty trembling before you
I expose myself
My past, my failures, my regret
My present grief, my sadness
My dreams, my fears
I stand open, naked before you
I tremble with your gaze
Piercing through me
Reading me like a sacred text
You who can see
The sacred text of my living
I shake, cells vibrate
I disintegrate
Bones to ash
A pile of rubble on the floor
Before you
I the I Am
Still alive, still present
In the rubble
Wanting her Lover's breath to breathe
Her into being
She waits patiently
Distilled to essence
The fire's work
Burned to ash
The monument to self
The false living
Dead-end loving
Misdirected, missed direction
Now, nothing left
God's hand holding the dust of I am
Holding still
Wanting to live
Wanting to live
Wanting to be naked
Distilled to essence
On the ruby red bed
of my Beloved
Exposed, full
Hot, radiant
Wanting to take her Lover
All the way home to God
Beloved, Lover, God
Trinity as One
The sun is setting on the days of healing
Of Crucifying, of Resurrecting
Beloved One
Anakha Shannon Coman
You dear one
Are coming home
Your innocence restored
Life and Living
Holy Ordered
At the new home of your Soul
Anakha, be still in the ashes
Wait patiently for
The Beloved's breath to come
To bring you to
The ruby red innocence
The full woman's radiance
Your essence revealed, restored.
Allow the birth, do nothing, Allow the Birth.
Come all the way.
Thank you to those of you that are witnessing this once in a life time turning into, becoming Love. I am humbled, I am wide open, I am trembling, I am scared and I so want, I so desire to fully make this journey, to be annihilated into Love, to become the holy vessel, the sacred crucible of Love. I, Anakha, the medicine, the elixir of holy, all-consuming, forever transforming Sacred Love. Amen.


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