Sunday, October 7, 2007

Return to the Root

How long will you move backward?
Come forward; do not stray in unbelief,
come dancing to Divine Knowledge.
Look, the elixir is hidden in the poison,
come to the poison and come,
return to the root of the root of your own self.
Tonight I roasted root vegetables that I purchased at New Seasons yesterday. I slowly cut up slices of yam, yellow potato, carrot, onion, golden and red beats and added plenty of garlic, olive oil and sea salt and slid them into the 400 degree oven. While they were roasting, I began reading Andrew Harvey's Light upon Light, Inspirations from Rumi. I turned to a writing entitled "The One Thing You Must Never Forget" -- the quote above is an excerpt from that section. Rumi tells us that each and every one of us has come into the world with a particular mission and that mission is our singular purpose -- if we don't enact it, we have done nothing. Even if we have completed one hundred different things -- if we don't complete our mission, we have done nothing. Rumi is extremely and radically unforgiving and unrelenting with this Truth. This is the one thing we must never forget -- our soul, sole mission.
I have done many things in my life, reinvented myself again and again -- I have worn many titles...enacted many roles -- energy management consultant (college), hostess, waitress, PR executive, Intel Marketing Manager, Leadership and Organization Development consultant, Internet Marketing Director, Spiritual Director, Minister, Correctional Transition Specialist...the list goes on and on. And now, on this eve of my 39 1/2 birthday (Gene reminded me today...6 months until 40), I find myself in the mystical madness and the magnificent mystery of what my soul, sole mission on this planet for the next 40 years will be. My friend David and I are spinning in a similar orbit these days...he is also feeling this core stripping and is courting the questions of what now, what will bring me to the fire, what am I brilliantly and uniquely made for, what is this life of mine meant to be used for, what will simultaneously captivate and enchant me and others?
I like what Rumi urges us to do..."return to the root of the root of your own self." I find it fascinating that during my dissolving yesterday that what called to me were all these fabulous root vegetables. I am returning to the root of the root of my own self. Tonight, as I took in the heartiness and nourishment of the yams, onion, potatoes, beets and carrots...I felt myself reconnect and root again. I made a vow to listen deeply and to become fully aware and dedicated to serving the singular mission from which and for which I came. I am extracting and tasting the sweet elixir hidden in the poison. Tonight I rest assured that God isn't done with me yet.
If I "had to name this mission right now"...I would say soul, sole mission is to become love, to remove the veils to love, to re-member love, to express love and to teach love...the embodiment of it, share it, bring it. To experience love in my resurrect the love of the Sacred Feminine and to merge in ecstatic union with the love of the Sacred Masculine. To experience embodied union in, as and for Love.
I think my resume will stand up well for this position, for this ecstatic and treacherous soul mission. I was born 39 1/2 years ago "no veil" and I learned at a very early age how to erect walls, to hide Love's presence -- I became a master. I have spent the last 12 years resurrecting love...myself, my wholeness, my innocence...the final veils and walls are naked heart is exposing the Love that I Am...and the next 40 years of my life will be to serve this do it with my waking and my sleeping, my eating and my breathing, my loving and my speaking, my writing and my seeing, in my silence and in my surrender, in my sweetness and in my boldness... all of me here now donated to fanning into flame the fire of God's love.
Beloveds, what is your soul, sole mission...your singular purpose? Why are you still here? Why does God, day after day, continue to breath you into existence? What is the flame flickering inside your own heart that with one breath from the Beloved would ignite into wildfire?
We are all wild fire, waiting to ignite. Beloveds we are the breath of God for one another, we are the voice of courage. Tonight my Beloved Delayne resurrected my courage and confidence with one phone call (all the way from Mexico she heard my cry) -- "Anakha, you are doing the right thing...I can just feel it!" Gene and Lisa also registered my descent into the poison last night...and with their words reminded me to seek the sweet remember that I am being birthed, transfigured...that this is the way...the only way is through.
How can we serve one one another give rise and voice and form to our missions? How can we jolt one another awake from our forgetfulness? How can we help one another move on, leaving those places that we have long outgrown?
I want to be present to your your own awakening to and in your soul mission. I am here to serve your awakening and I am here to support you in living fully your singular purpose. Please let me know this week, how I can fan into flame your call!
Eat beets, carrots, potatoes and yams...enact the rooting ritual and return to the root of the root of your Self!
Let it be so. Amen. Ameyn.

You are more valuable than both heaven and earth.
What else can I say? You don't know your own worth.
Do not sell yourself at a ridiculous price.
You who are so valuable in God's eyes.


Anonymous said...

i figured you probably blogged tonite, so i just checked and read do have a unique style all your own with your writing...certainly blazes across the page...can feel the heat!
even though you might feel unraveled, there is no question that you 'know what you know'...what you want...what you are going to do...what you are here to do...
now how that is made manifest might be not be as clear, but it seems to me, it does not need to be right now.
and, that is pretty cool that you were drawn to roots and then came across that poem...and i know alot of healing is going on at the same time in that area too.
i am very grateful you did and experienced all the things you have...that you came this way thru...makes you who you are today.

yes, perfect order...all of it.

oh, by the week ago today, was the 800th birthday of mr. rumi.
this is how he described himself:

My Mother is Love My Father is Love
My Prophet is Love My God is Love
I am a child of Love I have come only to speak of Love

guess you are on the right "track" ;)
(or sole, soul mission)

and happy 39-1/2 to you!
remember it was 40 years in the desert...the milk and honey are now in sight! keep your eyes looking only to that looking back as job's wife did...we know what happened then! (okay, i know i am mixing bible stories, but, hey, it works!)
(maybe it is time to get those contacts, so you can really see and focus on that which is just a tad beyond your field of crisp clear vision!)

...and don't let anyone be a "flame-retardant"!

Gene Latimer said...

"my soul, sole mission is to become love, to remove the veils to love, to re-member love, to express love and to teach love...the embodiment of it, share it, bring it. To experience love in my resurrect the love of the Sacred Feminine and to merge in ecstatic union with the love of the Sacred Masculine. To experience embodied union in, as and for Love."

Am remembering the only time I've seen you speak since your 40-Day retreat (at McMinnville last month -- the "missing" videotape record of which I found last night) and when I tried to tell you how you were different than I'd ever seen you before. But never quite got it. Believe you've supplied the language here.

Your mission is clearly in motion.

I think I spoke of a new 'simplicity' -- which is truly a quality of love. In states of love, our beingness is grounded. There is little real 'need' for adornment -- except as the spontaneous truth of play and creative expression.

Love enables us to access those core levels of connection that people have obviously been responding to in you've been the root...of the root...of your own self.

Anonymous said...

dearest anakha

i so love that you love rumi (so much), as he is my friend from the
center for sacred leadership, and usually like a very delicious
desert, i want more, even when i am full. you help me to be full, and
i am greatful for
your expression.

your message today reminded me of a book i am reading, for a number of
the book, The Call, was written by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, a woman of
extreme passions, just like you my friend. In fact her book reminds
me of you, including her 40 day quest, alone, to learn more of who she
is and is becoming.

at one place she comments on the deepest of soul missions and says to
find a word that resonates ....her´s is REST, mine is PEACE....

yes, i am totally convinced that you are on track, so much so, i find
excitement in being part of your community to learn more from you, and
be inspired. keep the fire burning my very dear friend...and please
oh please keep sharing your experience, dear friend and woman of
extreme passion.