Monday, November 12, 2007

Move It!

Move it, move on, move up, move out. I am moving this week. It seems as if I have just barely surfaced from the depths and now it is time to move -- literally. And even though this move will only take me across town, NW to SE...I know this is symbolic of much greater movement occurring within me. This is the move to full aliveness, vitality, joy, abundance, radiance, creativity, service, union. I am leaving the comfort zone, the holding pattern, the safe house and I am leaping into the great unknown. I am 99.9% excited. The .1% is the result of trying to grab hold of the steering wheel again. There are no guarantees in is a daring adventure, or nothing at all. I think that is what Helen said, right?

Jimmy closes on the house tomorrow and has arranged for me to pick up the keys and begin moving in. He will arrive from Ashland on Friday. We'll spend the weekend creating "home" and shopping for whatever furniture the house may need -- a bed for his room, a table for the breakfast nook, etc. We will spend Thanksgiving in the "sacred heart sanctuary" (my name for the house) with his daughter Angela and her boyfriend Nick. It was just 2 years ago that Linda was murdered -- Jimmy lost his best friend and former wife, Angela, her mother. This also seems important and symbolic that we will be together in this new place to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. Jimmy is family...we are family...soul family. It doesn't fit any of the traditional just is. Love is strangely beautiful that way. It is all inclusive, all encompassing, radical and formless.

Please know that the sacred heart sanctuary is a place where you can come and stay if you need a place to be while in Portland...that is part of Jimmy's vision. It is a place to gather in the spirit of the Beloved Community. It is where I will begin again, anew. It is the terra firma from which I will leap, fly and soar. I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for the love in my life. I am grateful for the generosity of friends. I am ready to come home...all the way home. Amen.


Anonymous said...

hi ankha et. al:

your moove sounds so delicious, and to form family and community with loved friends
is wonderful.

i am personally excited about your move and the openness of your home, as when i come to portland, having a place with loving people in a spiritual and nurturing environment would be a joy.

i wrote to the belovedd community to see what they offered in ashland, and never heard back, so having jimmy in portland will be a joy.

i have loved sharing time with your beloved friend delayne. she is amazing and such a joyful spirit. i have only seen pictures of her casita, but it is grand. we were at an art faire and she has lovely new green dishes.....she is so totally happy. i think i will be spending thanksgiving with her and her family at friends whos home is on a hill....details at, once you get moved, there is so much room for you in mexico......and when you come, if you want to speak locally, i will set it up...need some time to assure you a date you want.

and most importantly, i can get a long awaited for hug and conversation.

Anonymous said...

Dear Daughter,
From your writing and from our talks I can see that you are ready to move!!!! You told of your journey beatifully...several doors have changed in configuration behind you..some open some closed on purpose, some ajar, to prepare for the next stage of your journey..As a tagalong on your journey at times...I have closed necessary doors first with fear and grief..but now with estatic joy and well being. I am so happy for you (and I ) that you (we) are changing directions...You are ready..Spirit is leading and you are trusting and following..What a story you have woven for all of us along the way the last few months and thank you for bringing our stories along beside you. You have and continue to do courageous "work"...
I feel my heart open to the choices you are making and they feel strong and good.
I love you
off to hike along Paulina is a beatiful sky here this am...after a rainy blustery day Monday.