Thursday, November 15, 2007

Come for the Eye Candy, Stay for the Message

I spent most of the day (Thursday) moving to my new home. I am rummy tired...body, mind, hands and feet. I feel like a long-haul truck driver after driving a 26' U-Haul all over SE Portland (maybe that's a little dramatic, but I even had to back it into the gas station pumps -- Jose, the attendant was freaking out as I almost took out the whole island).

I have never lived in SE Portland so just about everything is new to me. In fact, moving to SE is a great metaphor for my life right is the part of town that I have spent the least amount of time in...only an occasional trip to the Hawthorne District. This is brand new territory! Thank God, I am ready!

The best decision I made this week was to hire Robert and Chris ( movers I found on Craig's List) from Experienced Movers (Robert's company). I really wanted to hire people that would be fun to spend 4 hours with. I was guided perfectly. I knew Robert was the one for me when I called him on the phone and he started making up jingles with my name -- Anakha, Yamaka, Hanukkah, Not M as in Monica, probably plays the harmonica...and on and on and on. I thought to myself -- this is going to be interesting. At the end of our discussion Robert is talking really fast (he's on the clock at another job) -- I hear him say we've got the dollies, the blankets and the hand cuffs. What? I blurt out, "great, but you can leave the handcuffs at home Robert." "What did you say? Handcuffs? I didn't say handcuffs. Guys, Anakha just said to leave the handcuffs at home. (raucous laughter in the background) Anakha, I said hand trucks." "Oh, right!" I say. Yes, this is going to be interesting indeed. We set the appointment for Thursday at noon.

One thing I want to mention about my decision to hire movers this week is that I asked myself what would a woman who is acting in alignment with her worth would do? The answer was crystal clear -- she would hire movers. She wouldn't spend her energy trying to line up her friends and their schedules, she wouldn't struggle with boxes that are too heavy for her and end up with bruises and broken nails. No, she would hire the professionals and get it done. This is going to be my guiding question for my life decisions right now -- what would a woman who is acting in alignment with her worth do? Fabulous, brilliant question -- cuts through all the confusion and brings me to a choice point to stand in my worth and therefore create more worth -- and I am talking esteem and moooola!

Anyway, this was the best decision and I thank God for guiding me to Robert and Chris. They were so much fun. We talked about recovery and spirituality and "my flock." They teased me and one another incessantly. I highly recommend them for their skill, efficiency, humor and entertainment value. They did break one lamp shade -- "Oh no Anakha, now I have to go look for a lamp shade that looks like it has mold on it." (By the way Robert, that lampshade came from Urbino Home on NW 23rd and it is a beautiful paper with pressed flowers -- not mold.)

Here is a taste of of some of the one liners served up by Robert:

"Every sinner has a future, every saint has a past!" (Ain't that the Truth!)

"What do you know about love Robert?" I ask.

"I know that you can't be spiritually or emotionally available to someone if you are still engaging your compulsions! Whether its drugs, work, money, eating -- it doesn't matter -- if you are in compulsion, you aren't in love."

"Where's your flock Anakha? Gene, are you in the flock?"

"Come for the eye candy, stay for the message."
(In regards to the Rev. Anakha -- thank you Robert, I'll take that compliment)

"My spiritual program is stronger than it has ever been."
"What's your program?" I ask.
"Anakha, there's only one're either connected or your not."

And on and on and on it went! All the big stuff is moved and I will spend today going through boxes and starting to settle in. I am looking forward to having you come visit once the Sacred Heart Sanctuary is open for business.

By the way, the inscription on the sidewalk right in front of our house says,
Everyone must have one grand passion!
And so it is!


Anonymous said...

I love this!! It answers all my questions! We are in... Forward...go more stall and/or reverse!
it is a such a blessing.
love to you,

Peter C Scrogin said...

"Where's your flock Anakha? Peter, are you in the flock?"
Oh Yeah baby! I'm in her flock.