Sunday, November 4, 2007

For Those About to Rock...

The Fires are burning
So reach for me
like the petals of a rose
bloom in its season
gentle and slow
my body is the mountain
the ocean, the river
the sand and the soil
the life giver
so come on now, my friend
speak to me, help me understand
let us walk together
take my hand and we will
we will heal this land
Do you hear the call?
We will heal this land
If you could only believe.....
I had a beautiful dance this morning to this song by Tina Malia at Sacred Circle was really good (thank you David). I was blessed to meet Tina this summer in Ashland and attend one of her concerts. I highly recommend her music...she is a mystic and has written many of her songs from her own dark night experiences.
I am so grateful tonight, so incredibly blessed to be alive. So incredibly blessed to have made it through this dark night, to have made it through the fire. I am smiling and laughing today and I am happy. I am surfacing from the depths, coming up slowly, emerging in joy. I am coming with delight, the Light. What a trip, what an outrageous trip these last 4 months have been -- the highs, the lows and everything in between. And it ain't over yet! In fact it has only just begun.
I have been thinking about the law of attraction and chemicalization today. These laws say that when we claim something powerful for our lives, when we stand in the full truth of who we are and what we intend for our lives...the earth begins to shake and quake beneath us. For awhile our new intention or claiming may feel good and easy and powerful, but if the mountain is to move...sooner or later the earth that we are standing on is going to have to shake, break, quake. "Disrupt the dream," as my teacher Vinn used to say to me, "get rattled."
When we set out to have a totally new experience in our lives, what we are really doing is raising our vibration to attract that new experience. And, whatever doesn't resonate with that new vibration is going to have to go -- patterns, behaviors, addictions, people, places, things, beliefs, ideas, etc. This requires that we LET GO and it means that sometimes we have to let go of things (and people) we have wanted...let loose of the lesser to receive the greater. Emmet Fox describes the healing process of chemicalization:
It seems as though everything begins to go wrong at once. This may be disconcerting, but it is really a good sign. Suppose your whole world seems to rock on its foundation. Hold on steadily, and let it rock, and when the rocking is over, the picture will have reassembled itself into something much nearer to your heart's desire.
I set out this July to become love, to awaken my sacred heart and to stand in the truth of the mystic, lover, healer, artist and author that I am. What got served up this last month was exactly what has been in the way of fully embodying those truths. I have been immersed in the darkness, in deep grief, despair and doubt. I stayed in and with this experience, even when I wanted to abort the entire mission. I dove deeper, penetrating the illusion until at last I arrived at the lie that has been constricting my essence, keeping my deepest dreams from spilling forth and manifesting as my life, as my work and as my relationships. The core lie was revealed this past Thursday, caught on tape as Gene filmed Crystal and I interacting. There it was, it dropped out of my mouth. I have lived 37 years with this demon twisting its thorns into the soft flower of my core. It is gone now, surrendered to God, revealed in the the wicked witch it is melting, melting, melting away under the loving glance of the Beloved.
I am whole. I am beautiful. I am love. I am here now. And I am ready to begin again.
Thank God for the quaking, for the stripping, for the lashing. Thank God for disrupting the dream.
Are you willing to be shaken, disrupted, rattled and stirred up? How long are you willing to endure the fiery depths of the healing crucible? Would you be willing to be blown up for one day, one week, one month, one year if it meant that at the end of that time you would be living the life that you have been dreaming of?
Dive in Beloveds...let the foundation shake, let loose of the lesser to become the greater.
For those about to rock fire...for those about to quake...for those about to rattle...
I salute you!
In Glorious Love,


Anonymous said...

I am the shake,
the rattle and the roll.
I know where the rattle is placed and finally I am available to the quakes force and rapture due to the rupture!

Gene Latimer said... are are are ready!

Thank God for it all.