I love it when you forget all your troubles and get lost in thoughts about your friends' problems. I love it when you place your entire focus on the heat steaming from your cup of coffee or on the sun reflecting on a puddle or on the mysterious expression gracing the face of a stranger. In fact I love it whenever you prove how much you love being here on earth by taking your attention off yourself, and giving it to everything else. The coming week will be a perfect time to specialize in this consummate art.
I checked my horoscope this morning before getting out of bed. I am sooo ready to forget all my petty troubles and get lost in thoughts about yours. Perfect, Aminga calls...meltdown underway...I tell her grow up, stand up...what would a woman standing in her worth do? Yes I am ready to move beyond myself and my self-absorbed fascination with my fears and be fully present with life, with you...with each moment. I am taking this on as a practice for the next week leading up to Thanksgiving. I am becoming a woman who is fully present in joy and in gratitude for life and with her life. I am ready to demonstrate how much I love being here on this gorgeous blue and green planet by giving myself fully to everything and everyone that arrives. I am practicing gratitude in the midst of, in the presence of my life.
I feel like making a list this morning...things I want to give myself to this next week:
- Creating a loving, nurturing, passionate, succulent, inviting, nourishing, enlivening home.
- Loving Gary, being gentle and aware, leaving well.
- Dancing in joy with my Beloveds as much as possible -- literally, figuratively.
- Celebrating Jimmy's arrival in Portland...his new adventure, welcoming him warmly.
- Bringing a provocative, inspired message to the community at CSL this Sunday.
- Nurturing Angela in whatever way that appears, co-creating Thanksgiving with her.
- Appreciating my Mom for all of her growth, love and support.
- Comforting Jack, he gets so worried when I move!
- Supporting Lisa as she prepares to leave for her Hawaiian adventure.
- Loving Aminga as she steps up and into her worth.
- Connecting with family and friends I haven't talked to, expressing love.
- Making love rituals each day to celebrate the connection with life, with my Beloveds.
- Inspiring Nichole with generous love...sweet and tough...to move forward, take action.
- Finding time for inspiration, creation, connection with Dr. D-Eros...engaging the mystery of what wants to be created in our midst?
- Baptizing my new bathtub with blessing salts, candles and my gorgeous body (an assignment from Aminga to stop being so critical of my temple).
- And any other giving of myself and my life force that results in more radiant and ecstatic loving and living!
I invite you to join me this next week in a ritual of present moment living...finding gratitude and joy in the midst, in the moment and moving beyond any self-absorbed fascinations with your fears, your shadow, your limitations. For this next week let us fully give ourselves to love and see what glorious love madness and unimaginable miracles we can make!
Shall we?
(By the way, you all can talk back now ya hear? Leave a comment, talk back!)
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