Sunday, December 30, 2007

Nichole's Prayer

Dear One of My Sacred Heart,
Blessed Daughter of the One
My Girl Nichole,

I hear you sweetheart calling to me, calling to us all
as you spiral in the darkness of addiction
I hear you sweetheart and feel your heartbreak
the loss of love, the loss of Isaiah, the loss of innocence
I hear you sweetheart begging for mercy, crying for release
from this cold, dark prison that keeps you separate from the love
that would warm you, melt you, resurrect you
I hear you sweetheart, I hear your despair, your terror, your resignation
your dark thoughts, the belief that it can never be any different than this
I hear you sweetheart, I hear your shame, your guilt, your deep regret
for living, for breathing, for being
I hear you sweetheart, I hear you entertaining ideas of suicide, of death
of running until there is nothing left
I hear your pain, I feel your heartbreak, I sense the unbelievable and undeniable loss
you are encountering...that your oh so sweet sweet heart is experiencing
And I know who you cannot hide from me, you cannot hide from those that have been in your presence, that have tasted your wisdom, that have been graced by your humor and sass
I will not give up on you, I am not giving up on you
I love you now more than ever
I will not fear you or the despair of the world that you mirror to me, my own despair and pain
You will make it through this darkness Nichole
God will see you through this darkness Nichole
I will see you through this darkness Nichole
One day you will breakthrough
The shackles of the past will be gone
And you will be free to live the life you are here to live
I know true you...the essential you cannot and will not be able to outrun
the radical and relentless love that I have for you
With every ounce of love in my heart I am penetrating the dark prison of your addiction and I am speaking right now, words of healing salve directly into your heart.
You are not alone
You are not alone
You are not alone
God and Love have not forsaken you.
Surrender in all ways to the love that you are
Surrender in all ways to the beauty that you are
Surrender in all ways to the heartbreak and pain that you feel
Come home Nichole
Come home to those of us that love you, that hold the Truth of who you are...that will stay with you as you walk from the hell of addiction into the light of wholeness
You were only a child honey when meth came into your life
You were only a baby when you took your first trip
You were only 3 when you had your first withdrawal
You didn't deserve to be hurt and abused
You don't deserve that now
You deserve love
You deserve a safe haven
You deserve to heal, to be free from the jaws of addiction, from the burdens of your mother's past
Hear me O Sweet and Adorable One
I behold your innocence
I am a stand for your wholeness
I will not leave you
I will love you until you can love yourself
I will forgive you until you can forgive yourself
I will be unstoppable in loving you.
Come home Nichole, come home to your Soul.
God, please...perform your healing miracles in this Dear One's life.
I beg of you for mercy.
I beg of you for your intervention, your healing intercession.
If I have ever served you Beloved Yeshua, if I have any outstanding favors to call in.
Bring this one home please, I am on my knees, tears streaming down my face
I beg for your grace, your love, your mercy to descend and envelope my dear one Nichole.
Please God, with the entirety of my being I make this humble supplication.
Lord, hear my prayer.
It is done.
Tetey a Yeshua.


Anonymous said...

Just beautiful!! I will pray for her return home also. I miss her, now more than ever. I love you Anakha!I am so sick of the darkness taking the good away. I am sick from and of addiction. Love conquers all. XOXO Leslie

Gene Latimer said...

Nichole, please believe in Anakha as much as she believes in you.

Read her words over and over, letting them penetrate your heart, saturate your cells.

I don't know you very well...but enough to have experienced your innate know that you are worth believing in.

A long life stretches ahead of you. I pray you recognize and honor the gifts that Life is offering you now.

Owen Anschel said...

I am remembering one year ago, when a roomful of 100+ people helped bring back a man who died, a man with a 1% chance of the recovery he's since experienced. Our strong, united intention, when two or more are gathered, is what creates the true miracles. We cannot do it alone.

Since Wednesday, in the midst of her own darkness, in the midst of dealing with the countless details and messes she's had to tend to in the wake of recent events, I have witnessed Anakha selflessly remain open and loving towards this young woman, praying for her and holding compassion despite the hardships that many people would crumble and constrict under, and likely give up.

Anakha, I stand with you in your prayer. I ask that we all do, with strong intention that the healing will come. Let us come together to create a miracle.