Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Come Away with Me!!

My belly is screaming I love you, I love you, I love you. I am wanting to tell all the lovers in the world, I love you. I am so in love today...I have broken free...I have crossed over, I am in Eden before my fall. There are so many amazing hearts and souls in my life, in the Life. Each one different, unique...each bearing, baring their gifts, their desires, their burdens with such beauty, with such truth. We are works of art...broken-hearted, open-hearted....grieving, revealing, desiring, yearning, healing, journeying, moving, opening, constricting -- glorious divine art. I am feeling the magnitude and the power of embodied love swirl in my belly tonight, moving upward into my heart, dancing figure eights around my eyes, changing my vision...

There is a choice, we have a choice. To see and perceive with the eyes of Love or remain clouded with the smokescreen of fear. Love's vision or fear's vision? Moment to moment, what will it be? The path is that clear...yet the choice is not always that easy. We become haunted by the voices of the past, the lies of the present, all the prisons of the mind's worrying, struggling, fretting. This love is penetrating my prisons, my past, my heartbreaks, the lies...the chains are off, the bars have come down. I stand naked and stunned in the cell that used to hold my life. I look around and suddenly find myself in the know the one...out beyond right doing and wrongdoing...the field where we meet again...divine lovers...the garden with no gate.

Love's vision is taking me, taking me places inside and outside. I am being overcome with the ocean...this drop, this precious drop of me has made it back to the Source...the drop, the wave, the ocean united. I am swimming in love...suffocating with the intense pressure coming from within, wanting to be freed. I love you beloveds...I wish to behold your sweet faces in my hands, cupping your tenderness, soothing your worries, holding your hearts like the precious ruby gems that they are. There is such sweetness in sacred intimacy....when we let go, drop in, disarm, disrobe...reveal, dismantle...dissolve. When we become the naked heart, we melt into presence, we overflow with effervescence, we rise again together in radiant love.

My body is becoming a host to Love's presence, no longer separated from this dance with the Beloved. Yes Blaine, everything is indeed holy now.

Yeshua has made good on his promise to give me his very own sacred make the sacred life for his heart. I vow to make good on my end of the deal. To donate myself, again and the fire's of Christic love.

Come Beloveds, come fall in love with me!



Gene Latimer said...

"love is penetrating my prisons, my past, my heartbreaks, the lies...the chains are off, the bars have come down. I stand naked and stunned in the cell that used to hold my life."

In this week of reflecting on my dying a year ago...there is NO way that I could have missed this year's miracle, this delicious emergence of the essential Anakha, with the walls starting to seriously crack in July. The reality of your liberation -- of your naked heart -- is too precious, too compelling.

I had to come back.

Owen Anschel said...

That is the ride, the journey, the reason. No other.

Scary, exhilarating, unleashed, unhinged, free fall into the arms of God without a parachute. The courage to love, to choose love, to be love in the face of fear. It is easier when love chooses us, harder when we have to choose. I see you choosing, more and more, growing, healing, becoming, embodying.

Come away with me in the night
Come away with me
And I will write you a song

Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us
With their lies

I want to walk with you
On a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
So won't you try to come

Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountaintop
Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you

And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms
So all I ask is for you
To come away with me in the night
Come away with me

Anonymous said...

As I shared with you before leaving the retreat sweet one ... "you have already found what you are looking for" ... I could see so clearly all of what you long for is right there inside, waiting patiently, for you to embrace ....Yeh my friend - so beautiful for the time has found you ... walk gently now in the sacredness of it all!!!