Monday, December 17, 2007

Dark Sweetness

I am dark chocolate.
Deep, rich, still, solid.
Being depth.
Bringing depth.
Bringing sweetness from the dark depths of my heart.
I carry the mysteries.
The mysteries of the sacred heart.
These are teachings whose time has come.
I took the Eucharist this morning,
and offer my prayers....
Andrew says I am training the "light"
on the wound...the Christic wounds...
I direct Christ to enter into the core of
my insecurities, my inauthenticities,
my fears.
I ask for this radiant Christic love to
penetrate my darkness
To turn it into dark sweetness.
To make a love elixir that
will awaken the hearts of
my brothers and my sisters.
During the Eucharist this morning
I hear Yeshua say, have the key...
unlock the teachings now

begin writing them.
My monkey mind worries about
how this will pay my rent, my car payment...
I am dark, rich, sweetness.
I have mysteries to reveal.
I carry the forbidden
I will do my part
to bring Eden back.
We are dropping in again....
into the mystical depths,
where what was hidden
will be revealed
in word, in flesh.
The Kingdom is coming...
Christ is here now.
Christ is alive in me now.
Christ is in the world now...
as you, as me, as we.
I confirm this with my entire being.
We are love, we are love.
Come, I know you are tired...
this is the way...the way
of Love's salvation.


Peter C Scrogin said...

I was well nourish on Saturday night. Thank you Anakha and David. This is how I choose to live my life... in the darkness of the womb of the Mother. The naked heart revealed in radiant love. I choose beloved Yeshua as my lover... I am the lover.

John Nash said...


I love the David Whyte poem you included as well. Thanks for living the work. What you are doing is important and matters to others. You are a powerful servant.