Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sleep Less, Love More

Last night the divinely raucous conversation of love and of the fusion of the sacred and the erotic descended on our home and its inhabitants. What started out as a simple conversation over pizza, vanilla creme sodas and chocolate soon turned into a 6+hour exploration into the soul of love - the ecstasy, the agony, the resistance, the surrender. Lisa, David and I were gathered around the kitchen table after a chaotic day of moving, movers (yes, Robert and Chris were back again) and Comcast installations when the conversation began. I am telling you this house gets the action -- certainly a hotspot.

As our conversation began to heat up we decided to call Gene and have him bring his video camera (who is making a documentary called "We Are the Lovers")...the night was pregnant with promise, the conversation charged...who knew the territory we were about to enter. Gene arrived with his camera and lots of tape...thank God, I think he ended up shooting 3 1/2 hours or so of our interaction. Lisa's love, Russell, registered the energy all the way from LA and stayed on the speaker phone with us for most of the night. We tenderly passed around Lisa's phone -- "the voice and presence of Russell" as we each took turns drilling down, deepening and spilling open.

Yes, the truth will set you free...the truth will strip you, the truth will shatter that sweet comfortable life, and when you are on your knees...donating your life and your living in complete surrender to the Divine, to the fires of love...that is when grace descends. That is when God shows up in a big way.

Lisa, David, Gene, Russell and I stepped into the crucible together last night. There were rare and exquisite moments of tension melting into recognition and surrender. Truths were revealed and told. Edges pushed. Doubt and fear arrived and released. Shame, unworthiness, playing small, shutting down, and opening again. Each of us entering into the mystery of being in relationship with one another as we engaged this tender and rapturous territory of the heart,the soul, the body.

I showed up. The woman of allurement and seduction showed up...dancing, moving with the mystic, the healer, the child - all the aspects of me. This energy is so important for me to allow, to surrender to, to no longer repress. It becomes dangerous when I do...potentially harmful. I am ready...I believe my soul presence is strong enough to allow this , to integrate it and use it to serve love, to serve this melting into essence. In that energy of allurement...I seduced the soul of the others in the room, calling, beckoning, shaking, recognizing, pulling, pushing, giving birth...midwifing this sacred life force into being. This is where I come into the ecstatic presence, this is where I embody the fullness of radiant love. And I shake things up and sometimes the ego begins to shout and scream and that is where I usually recoil in shame, think I am causing problems, that I am to blame. I went through this threshold tonight with the help of Lisa, David, Gene and Russell....I stepped in and through. When the shame came, David was there to speak to me, to offer me his incisive intervention into Truth.

This is what is true...when I step into the fullness of the I Am...when I stop playing nice and small and polite. When I stop trying to get you to love me, manipulate you into approving of me...when I finally get out of the way, this Life Force, the Love Force, the Good God Almighty Force takes over and it has its way with has its way with everyone that comes into contact with the Presence that I'm courting...that we all are courting.

So this is where I am arriving this morning after 3 hours of sleep....

I surrender my life, my living, my eyes, my seeing, my voice, my speaking, my mind, my thinking, my ears, my hearing, my heart, my loving, my arms, my holding, my belly, my breathing...all of me surrenders to all of You, God. The sacred, the erotic, the mundane, the exotic, the child, the woman, the dark, the light, all of me living in the All of You now.

I don't know what broke loose and was unleashed in our lives last night. I do know it was powerful, palpable and that each one of us walked the edge...maybe even dropped over.
We talked about the madness of when we enter into divine ecstatic erotic loving how we go alters our cells, it changes our wiring...we are forever altered, we are never the same.

I am living in this Christic love crucible. I am humbled by the blessings and the movements that the Divine is bestowing on my Soul. I want to never be the same again...I welcome the full activation of Love's presence within my being. I donate and surrender my being and my doing to becoming and embodying radiant love. I donate and surrender my life and my living to awakening with others to the full brilliance and splendor of naked hearted, ecstatic love.
We are the Lovers.

This is my work in the world. I am open for business. Pass the word on...
Anakha activated ready to roll...

I love you all, tenderly, madly, sweetly...forever.


Gene Latimer said...

Yes, the foundation for our beloved community came forth last night.

We are birthing, co-creating, the Christic Love crucibles -- to hold us, to rebirth ourselves...into our true power and vastness, our uncorked, full-spectrum aliveness.

Know fully: we will never be the same again.

I can hear/feel the melodic blessings of the Cosmos penetrating me now...acknowledging who we are.

Peter C Scrogin said...

Wow... I wish I could have come along for the ride...