Jack is one of my best friends in the world...he has been with me since the early days of seminary and has been my teacher on the mystic's path. He teaches me about the wildness, about unencumbered adoration and affection, he demonstrates single-minded focus...ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball! I love this little being...a soul-mate for certain. I picked Jack up after dance last night...I hadn't seen him in a week or so...he ran out and put his paws around my neck...was clinging to me with a fierceness that said...take me with you. He is lying next to me now...doggy snoring...one paw on my arm. I am grateful for Jack...for all the joy and all the love and all the outrageousness he has brought to me. I am not sure how much he likes the new place...he certainly is not so fond of Jimmy's wire haired datsun, Frankie. Frankie seems to be in love with Jack and runs up to jump on him (she is all of 3 or 4 inches tall) and barks incessantly. Jack bares his teeth and growls at her....really quite grumpy and pissy. He doesn't know or seem to care that Frankie is the peace troubadoor's dog and that he really should be more friendly and loving. That is what I love about Jack...he just allows himself to be what he is...I see him go through different emotinal states...sad, scared, excitement, love, agitation....he just let's be.
I find myself back to Let it Be, Let it Be....there will be an answer. Let it be, let it be. Why am I blogging at 4:12 a.m.? I don't know...let it be, let it be.
1 comment:
I can't wait to meet Jack! It is interesting to me that the dog's most acute sense is smell, while ours is visual. Their most acute modality is emotional. They live fully engaged in their emotions, so they have much more highly-developed perception of energy states than we do for the most part. When a dog meets an enlightened person, they are drawn to them. We can learn from this. Our emotions are a gateway to higher consciousness.
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