Thursday, December 6, 2007

Resting in the Love of God

I am returning to Ashland this weekend and as this night moves on and the time of departure nears I feel an anticipation...a deep sense of love and homecoming...a return to the place where my beingness was restored, where my entire life turned into a new reality. I am so filled with love when I think of my time in my cabin, aka the Sacred Heart Chapel...this summer. It is in my little cabin in Ashland that I fell in love with the one that has been here all the time, it is in that space that I found deep rest in the silence and in the love of God. I am returning now for another experience...ready to re-connect in the silence of love. I have so much gratitude for the grace that descended on my life...for the Presence that filled me to overflowing...for the Power that coursed through my blood and through my life...rearranging, reordering, resurrecting, re-membering. I feel my heart expand and dilate as I write....remembering days of fasting, of waking before dawn to take the Holy Eucharist, of walking and talking with the Presence, of doing yoga naked on my deck with the trees bending and stretching by my side...days filled with art, sculpting, writing, praying and sacramental ritual...bliss. I long for those days in the sunshine...listening and following the exquisite guidance that is always available to me. Slow the pace...attune to my rhythm...ahimsa Anakha, ahimsa...these were the first teachings that Yeshua delivered to me on the first and second day of my retreat. It is time to return to rest, to my natural pace and attune again to the perfection of loving guidance available. This guidance, if heeded, would allow a blind person to navigate a mine field with grace and ease. This is the nature of God's love for is active and is imminent as much as it is transcendent. He knows you by name...she knows the number of hairs on your head. The Divine Father Mother burns with love for each of us...we are born with blessing and it is within this blessing that we have our life and our living. I love God with a piercing devotion...with an overwhelming sense of gratitude...and I am now bringing that love into the realm of my relationships. This is risky for me...bringing what I have held so precious and so sacred to the world, to relationship, to intimacy with others. The exquisite beauty of the connection gets a bit fuzzy as I cross the border from the metaphysical into the physical...from essence to embodiment. I am willing to bring the mystical into the real...I am ready to fully embody and express the beauty and the inspiration that lies behind my eyes and within my heart.

I am ready to be here now. I am here now. I am here, I am one, I am love.

I am resting in the Love of God. Be still and know, I am Love.

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