Friday, January 11, 2008

Wade in the Water

Wading in the waters of emotions, adrift at sea, my anchor touches ground and I find myself making contact with the essential...with my essence...with another dismembered part ready to slip back into place. I am wading in the waters of emotions, spilling open in sadness, confusion, grief, despair...diving down, inward to my soul...spiraling in and touching into the ground of being, the I Am and from there I rise, I move with a new lightness, I have reclaimed the gift, the treasure buried in the seas of the essential...surfacing into new life. I am a diver on her mystical journey to re-membering her essential self...bringing the lost treasure home to my soul. I am a broken-hearted lover re-assembling the pieces of her heart she so carelessly gave away and left behind. I am an inventor, a Divine Creator...I am a piece of clay in my Sculptor's hands. I am giving way to the motions of the Divine over my Soul and tonight, yes tonight at 12:16 a.m. (or is it morning?)...I feel the grief subside and a peace...the peace beyond understanding slip into my core, like a wave ever so gently landing on her shore.

I have been so hidden from myself and from others for so long. I have kept my most precious innermost gifts behind the veil. I have tried to connect without sharing my anger, my sadness, my longing, my despair, my joy. I am finding the beauty in the exposure of the naked heart with my friends, with my mother, with my community...and in that place and space I am human and I can be seen and we can experience what we long for...the beauty and sweetness of sacred intimacy. I have left the tower of protection and I am wandering in the streets and alleys of open hearted loving, emotional authenticity and transparent loving.

I am wading in the waters of oceanic tides, emotions flowing...yes, truth heals, truth frees. I see Yeshua nodding...yes, you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. Earlier today I couldn't see what was trying to occur, what alchemy the Divine was enacting on my soul, tonight I see that I am being asked to become naked with myself, to become naked with share the we can both be free.

I remember one of Vinn Marti's sayings...."drop your look good for the good look of God!" I am on my knees tonight surrendering my look good...admitting that I don't have it together and that yes, I need the love and the support of real people showing up as God, as Love in my life to make it through this great death and this great birth.

Let's wade in the waters together, shall we? Let's disrobe and dismantle and disarm and dissolve. Let's get together, let's swim in the oceanic waters of Love.

Wade in the water, wade in the water...oh children, wade


1 comment:

Gene Latimer said...

"Let's wade in the waters together, shall we? Let's disrobe and dismantle and disarm and dissolve. Let's get together, let's swim in the oceanic waters of Love."

The great gift of your Naked Heart blog is your we get to follow your we receive the invitation to our own...and in the awe-some, kick-ass collective fermentation bubbling now.

You didn't blog from your despair yesterday, but you have before...and then you always touch into the ground of being...find your essential support...and arise anew. I love that about you. It's why I do believe in you so much.

I think of people reading these passages for years to come...witnessing your movement through crucifixions and resurrections, dark nights and new dawns -- treasuring the inspiration they extract from them...learning to trust Life.

wading in the water as well...