Sunday, January 20, 2008

Silence in the Heart

There's a silence in my heart tonight
A stillness where the mystery lives
A tender, vulnerable place
Where love has been planted
A seed, a, small
Not knowing if it will grow
Or fade back into the earth
I am aware of this new life
Growing in my heart
Pressure is building
Pushing the boundaries of
What i have experienced before
Love is expanding the boundaries of my heart
Loving beyond knowing
Staying connected
To the magnificence of what lives within
Showing up moment to moment
To all the opportunities to offer my essence
My Self as blessing, as prayer

Okay, what do I really want to say?

I am wide open...heart, soul, body
I am feeling love spiral through me
I am feeling exposed, vulnerable
Still, silent, prayerful
All these things spilling forth from my heart
I feel like humpty dumpty
Never to be put back together again
Heart broken up in love
Messed up, yes...well, just wait
You will have your turn

I am learning the ways of loving
I am becoming a lover
I am courting the Beloved

My heart holds the mysteries of the Sacred Feminine
She is beginning to speak
So much to be said
So much to hold
So many stories to be told

I am aware tonight of how much I am adored,
By so many...
And I am so completely grateful for your love and your loving.

Keep watch with me, keep watch and pray.
That our loving may spill us open into God, into laughter, into bliss.
The candle is holding light tonight, a 24 hour vigil.
I am coming to you.
I am coming to you.
Be ready.
Be awake.
Be sure.
I am coming all the way home,
all the way home
to you,


Anonymous said...

Never in my life have I met someone so dedicated to reaching for the septar of love to hold high so others will also be drawn to the light illuminating both from you and the Love Septar. You are the most courageous and open person I know am I am honored and blessed to call you friend and teacher..., as always I stand in awe and a heart full of the sweetness of gratitude AND a bit of REBELLION ;) I love you with all my heart!!Veronica thank you for showing me.., well.., everything..,

Owen Anschel said...

I cherish your words, your heart, your openness, your willingness.

Because of you, I become more of the man I truly am.

Each moment I experience you, I learn how to love, to be loved, and fall in love.

May your fears be soothed, your heart tended, your spirit fulfilled. You are the brightest star in my sky.

Gene Latimer said...

Let the candle burn

Let it mark the beginning
of something new
something deep

Let the candle burn brightly
better yet, wildly it spreads the flame

and we all combust as Christic fire

Anonymous said...

barbara marx hubbard is one of my favorite women. check out the following as ties directly with the
conversation on the erotic her in anakha's blog. she is a dear woman and her comments in a one
minute video on supra sexual is really good.
