Sunday, January 13, 2008

Stand Up Inside Yourself!

"Stand up inside yourself!"

This was the answer I received to my request this morning prior to taking the Eucharist (Holy Communion) during a prayerful conversation with Yeshua. I had asked him if I he would take me inside his mystical allow me to live fully in him. To live as he lived, to love as he loved. And in the silence that followed that prayer I heard him say quite simply and plainly..."stand up inside yourself."

It is time to stand up inside myself. My mystical legs may be wobbling from the Fire of the Night, my heart still wounded from the piercing of love...yet, it is clear that Yeshua is urging me to stand up, to stand up inside myself. To take a firm stand regarding the path I am walking into Love, to not be dissuaded, to stand within my spiritual authority as sacred heart mystic and to teach the path of salvation in Love. To walk the path of the Naked Sacred Heart.

I danced today amongst a sea of people. There must have been 100+ beings making their prayer vigil to the Beloved in the dance this morning. I practiced standing up inside myself in the dance...watching the urge to be swept away by another...returning to the pillar of love that resides in my core and moving outward again. At one point I remember standing firm, arms outstretched to the sky, my eyes turned inward to my heart, being filled with the Divine Presence...I open my eyes to see 6 people standing around me, encircling me, standing up inside themselves with me. This is the beauty and the promise of joining one another in this dance into becoming Love. We border each other's solitudes, we support each other in the soul's descent and ascent into Radiant, Ecstatic Love.

This is the challenge and the opportunity for each of us. To dive into the Mystery, to stay under until we find the lost treasure of our Essence...the Essential...the I Am that I Am and to surface ever so gently so as not to lose the precious cargo we carry. To return to our community standing up inside ourselves, gifts in hands outstretched. This is our gift to the offer ourselves, our Awakened, Embodied Essence. To stand in the integrity of who we are, are native wiring, our natural state.

Yeshua continues to remind me to seek first the kingdom of the I AM in the internal temple. To connect with the essential so that I can stand up inside myself. I am Christ's eyes, hands, feet, heart and so are you. When we stand up in and as the Love that we are we become mystical manna to nourish one another. God, it doesn't get any better than that! We are Christic Fuel for the journey!

I am being urged to share with you my current spiritual practice...which I will call Naked Heart is a way to be fortified in the Christ Presence. It was designed between Andrew Harvey and myself as a way to support my transformation into Love.

Naked Heart Manna -- Daily Spiritual Practice

1. The Holy Eucharist -- Being fed and nourished by Christ to be infused with Divine Love and to be sustained in the Divine Presence. Accompanied by prayers to address three crucial aspects of the journey: Grounding, Courage and Ecstatic Love.

Courage: Ask the Christ Force...Divine enter into your most vulnerable, constricted, fearful places, ask for the Light to come and heal, transform, resurrect. These are revealed and vulnerable prayers...asking for the Light to penetrate the wound. Like the image of Magdalena tending to Christ's wounds at the foot of the cross. We are tended to with the tenderness of the Mother.

Grounding: Tether yourself in prayer with clear devotion and donation to the path of Love. Ground yourself in Love...remembering Yeshua's plea to Love One Another! Repeat the Aramaic words in chant -- Det haboon had l'had akyana d'ena ahabtekoon or Alaha Huba -- The Love that Creates Sacred Unity.

Ecstatic Love: Read ecstatic poetry to infuse your heart with Love, to open your keep it ajar to the ecstatic experience. Hildegard, St. Teresa, Rumi, etc.

2. Hot Spiritual Practice: Ecstatic Dance or Kundalini Yoga to raise the vibration, to stir the Holy Spirit, the Kundalini. To open the heart, the body, the mind, the open and strengthen the Life Force, the Christ Force.

3. Service to the Anawim: To be in service to those in need, the lost, the suffering, the incarcerated, the sick, the lost sheep.

I would love to hear from any of you that decide to take any aspect of this practice for your own. I am also available to help you design your own spiritual practice to fully support your own transformation and blossoming in Love based on your unique path and needs. My fee scale for spiritual direction and intuitive counseling is $150 -- $300 for a 90-minute session. 503.334.6262!

XO, Big Love from the Naked Sacred Heart!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love seeing your feet -- I love your feet -- planted firmly but on the edge.
You are so beautiful.
Much love to you
Tita -- Delayne
Tita -- nickname for grandmother -- my new becoming.