Thursday, January 31, 2008

I Won't Fear Love...

I feel an ache today in my lower belly, an aching, a longing...a pain.
I am aware of how much I have denied my own creative power, my passion and my love for life.
Adoration, allurement, passion, desire...the creative fire that lives in each of us is ready now to become unleashed. This is the energy that will transform our lives and all of the expressions we give rise to. When did we collectively flee this powerful, life-force, native, creative-erotic energy? When did we decide to disassociate and deny its existence? When did we flee from the root of the root of our Souls and take refuge in the mind of logic, reason and control?
We have paid a terrible price for this. I have paid a price for this. Earth and her people are paying a price for this abdication of creative-erotic energy. The denial of this energy...its existence creates and sustains violence. Violence in how we relate to ourselves, others and the planet. It contributes to our disconnection from the natural world...the plants, animals, water, trees, soil...if we are disconnected from our own native nature, our own wildness, our own organic creativity and sexuality...we will also be disconnected from the earth. This is the root of all violence...this distortion and separation from our own beauty, and power, and sexuality, and creativity has taken its toll on our living and our loving.

I have often thought that when we came and "conquered" these lands that have become America...when we robbed her of her Soul and her innate connection to nature, to wildness, to relationship and connectivity...that this is when we as a collective, as a nation, incurred an unimaginable Soul Loss. We dishonored and in many cases slaughtered the stewards of the Soul of this land...the untamed wildness had to be controlled, conquered, hidden.

Our untamed wildness, unbound creativity, and innate sexuality need to be liberated so that they can be in balance and in connection with our wholeness, with our hearts and with the good of the greater whole. Whatever is denied becomes distorted. Whatever is distorted becomes dangerous.

In the masculine this distortion is expressing as addiction, as fascination, as obsession and objectification...pornography, consumption of the feminine as a product to be devoured, and a denial of the masculine heart, sensitivity and vulnerability. This is causing harm to the masculine...this is causing harm to the wholeness of the planet. To reclaim the wildness our men will need to be willing to face this go into this darkness and resurrect their hearts, their power, and their sexual wholeness, their full and powerful presence. This is critical to restoring the sacred balance of the feminine and masculine interplay and exchange of essential, life force energy on the planet today.

In the feminine this distortion is expressing as an imbalance in our sexual power...we either overly express our sexuality, using it as a tool to manipulate, to satisfy a need to be loved, to be seen and valued or we deny and mask our feminine sexuality...becoming rigid, hardened and over expressing the masculine which also does much harm to our innate vulnerability, our masks and covers the radiance that would heal us...and those around us. We must be willing to enter our own darkness, our own fear of being taken advantage of, decimated by the masculine and find the courage to reclaim the voice, the heart and the body of the Sacred Feminine. Her gifts are needed; her radiance, her compassion and her creative potency are what the planet is thirsting for. She is the wellspring of love and adoration that will renew and restore the planet and her famished ones.

I am on the edge of this question, of this issue. Spirit has brought me to this place and to this time and said..."if you want to see love on earth, if you want to awaken the collective sacred must be willing Anakha to dive into this issue of reclaiming our mystical erotic natures. They must be unified, they must be reconciled, they must find a way to infuse one another with their unique powers and find the exquisite balance that their fusion and their communion create.

This scares me. It is the last thing I feel "qualified" to experience, to express and yet I also know that given my history, my desire, my heart...that I am the one to dive into this question and to help others reclaim themselves as fully alive, fully embodied, divinely human, mystical, erotic beings.

I feel the fear and I hear Sarah McLachlan’s words in her song "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy"

All the fear has left me now
I'm not frightened anymore.
It's my heart that pounds beneath my flesh.
It's my mouth that pushes out this breath
and if I shed a tear I won't cage it.
I won't fear love and if I feel a rage I won't deny it.
I won't fear love.

I am taking this journey into the mystical erotic, I am fumbling towards ecstasy.
I won't fear love.


1 comment:

Owen Anschel said...

How do we find the keys to bring about this healing, this balance, this reclamation of our essential wholeness? It is such a huge question . . . with few role models to show us the way, sometimes it feels like floundering in the dark, searching for the light.

I do think that part of it is persistence, an unwavering commitment to truth, to authenticity, to awakening and seeing who we really are at our core, at our soul.

There lies the true essence of the masculine and feminine in each of us. Moving beyond gender roles, moving beyond the ways in which we've overcompensated in the name of equality and fairness, moving beyond who we think we should be or what others have expected of us. Admitting the truth to ourselves about who we really are, rather than who we're pretending to be.

At the core lies our desire for love, for connection, for wholeness. Are we willing to go deep, to become aware of our deepest needs and wants and not get caught up in the superficial distractions? It is an intense path, one requiring great courage, strength, and integrity.

In myself, I notice the ways that I have abdicated my power, not stood in my truth, not admitted to myself what I most yearned for, and suffered for it. Disconnected from essence, I have separated myself from my truest desires, instead settling for candy, quick fixes, surface desires. As I stand in my wholeness, fully open, in love, I come from my core and give my full gifts. I can both give and receive love in its purest, most satisfying form. In this place, I am also vulnerable: I have to show myself fully, admit the truth to myself and other, and risk losing or not getting what I most want. It is a scary place, to be unguarded, direct, to show myself when I might not be met, received, wanted, or taken advantage of.

However, in this way, our sexuality can be truly satisfying. We have the opportunity to have and be what we most want: integrated, fulfilling, divine love. When we bring our whole, integrated aspects into our lovemaking, into our creativity, into our purpose, we offer real, vulnerable, authentic loving. Not only to ourselves, but to all beings. The union of heaven and earth, god and the body, sacred and the erotic, masculine and feminine, returned to and resting in source, in wholeness, in oneness.