Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Undivided in Love

The Trillium Flower
Referred to as the "Herb of True Love"
(Photo taken on an afternoon walk in Forest Park, Portland, Oregon)

I am feeling the tenderness of Spring inside of me today. A quiet state of being, surrendering to, allowing the stillness. Bringing a profound and effortless emergence. The shoots of new life are peeking out, blossoms opening, color emerging. I wonder if I too am being delivered, opened into new life? Just as in nature, there is a death that gives rise to new life. I feel the co-mingling of life and death inside of me. This is a precious, vulnerable and tender place...knowing that I am dying and simultaneously being birthed into new life. To feel this intermingling is to come to the edge of the edge of my Self and of Life. Suspended between life and death, I touch down into the ground of being. I remember that what is essential in each moment is to experience Love's presence, to join with the I AM and to breath into the nowness. Isness, nowness, oneness...the trinity of the Trillium arriving with the robin's call. I am coming home to essence, breathing in life's essential wholeness. Reconnecting with the innocence of being. The joy of life opens in the darkness and blossoms in the Spring. I surrender to this moment. I surrender to the essential life opening and blossoming. I give myself, undivided, to Love.
I give thanks and praise for the gift of nature, for all of the love she brings, for the guidance she offers. Thank you glorious, wondrous, precious nature. Ameyn.

1 comment:

Peter C Scrogin said...

You are the Trillium flower that blossoms in full embodiment of Love. The whole world of nature is inside of you delivering love to everyone you grace by your presences. You are the Hight Priestess of Love.