Believe Yourself a Whole
Edward Carpenter
Believe yourself a Whole...
These needs, these desires, these faculties --
This of eating and drinking, the great pleasure of food,
the need of sex converse and of renewal in and from the bodies of others;
The faculty of sight, the wonderful panorama of the visible, and of hearing;
The inquisitive roaming brain, the love of society and good fellowship;
The joy of contest, the yearnings of Religion, the mystic impulses of night, of nature, of solitude;
All these and a thousand other impulses, capacities, determinations, are indeed Yourself -- the output and evidence and delineation of Yourself.
They cannot (in any permanent sense) be peeled off and thrown away;
They spring inevitably deep down out of yourself -- and will recur again wherever you are.
There is no creature in the whole range of Being from the highest to the lowest which does not exhibit these and similar capacities, or the germs of them, in itself.
You are that Whole which Nature also is -- and yet you are that whole in your own peculiar way.
Believe yourself a whole...allow everything...every aspect...embrace yourself in totatlity....perceive yourself from essence...look upon yourself...the world, with sacramental perception. Everything is holy...adore yourself...adore the world. Believe yourself a whole. Amen.
Edward Carpenter
Believe yourself a Whole...
These needs, these desires, these faculties --
This of eating and drinking, the great pleasure of food,
the need of sex converse and of renewal in and from the bodies of others;
The faculty of sight, the wonderful panorama of the visible, and of hearing;
The inquisitive roaming brain, the love of society and good fellowship;
The joy of contest, the yearnings of Religion, the mystic impulses of night, of nature, of solitude;
All these and a thousand other impulses, capacities, determinations, are indeed Yourself -- the output and evidence and delineation of Yourself.
They cannot (in any permanent sense) be peeled off and thrown away;
They spring inevitably deep down out of yourself -- and will recur again wherever you are.
There is no creature in the whole range of Being from the highest to the lowest which does not exhibit these and similar capacities, or the germs of them, in itself.
You are that Whole which Nature also is -- and yet you are that whole in your own peculiar way.
Believe yourself a whole...allow everything...every aspect...embrace yourself in totatlity....perceive yourself from essence...look upon yourself...the world, with sacramental perception. Everything is holy...adore yourself...adore the world. Believe yourself a whole. Amen.
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