Chapelita ~ Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos ~ Abril 8th
This is a picture of the chapelita that is near Delayne's home here in Mexico. On the morning of my 40th birthday we woke early and made the steep vertical trek to the top of the hill to spend time at the chapelita, to pray and light candles. When I reached the top I stretched out my arms vertically, then horizontally and made this prayer..."may I be expanded in my connection to the Divine and deeply rooted in the Earth...may I be a vessel of love, connecting Heaven and Earth, may I share the abundance of love and gifts that reside in my naked heart."
Today as I prepare to leave, I am feeling a peace beyond understanding, a deep connection to the earth and a calm readiness, a supple openness in my body and in my heart. I am grateful for this passage and I am ready to take my place on the holy ground of my own being and offer the inner pearl that resides in my heart as manna for my brothers and my sisters. I am grateful for the 40 years I have spent resurrecting my soul into wholeness and the completion that this time represents. Now, I turn ever so slowly, facing into the promised land that is my life, ready to live the years of milk and honey. The promise has been kept.
Thank you to all of you who are reading my words, I appreciate your presence and the connection that we share that is beyond words. I will soon be sharing 40 Practices for Embodying the I AM Presence...inspiration that found its way to me during this past week in Mexico. These are practices to powerfully apply the teachings that were presented in The Moses Code and they will also support the fusion and the embodiment of the mystical and the erotic in a way that blesses, heals, transforms and expands our being, our lives and our service to love.
I love you all and am deeply rooted in the knowing that we are truly amazing adorations and expressions of the One Power and the One Presence. And I am so grateful. Ameyn.
P.S. Angela/Angie: I received a message from you this week and somehow lost it while trying to save it. I would really like to hear from you again and would like to connect with you around your own awakening and emergence. Please email me again if you are reading this!
Today as I prepare to leave, I am feeling a peace beyond understanding, a deep connection to the earth and a calm readiness, a supple openness in my body and in my heart. I am grateful for this passage and I am ready to take my place on the holy ground of my own being and offer the inner pearl that resides in my heart as manna for my brothers and my sisters. I am grateful for the 40 years I have spent resurrecting my soul into wholeness and the completion that this time represents. Now, I turn ever so slowly, facing into the promised land that is my life, ready to live the years of milk and honey. The promise has been kept.
Thank you to all of you who are reading my words, I appreciate your presence and the connection that we share that is beyond words. I will soon be sharing 40 Practices for Embodying the I AM Presence...inspiration that found its way to me during this past week in Mexico. These are practices to powerfully apply the teachings that were presented in The Moses Code and they will also support the fusion and the embodiment of the mystical and the erotic in a way that blesses, heals, transforms and expands our being, our lives and our service to love.
I love you all and am deeply rooted in the knowing that we are truly amazing adorations and expressions of the One Power and the One Presence. And I am so grateful. Ameyn.
P.S. Angela/Angie: I received a message from you this week and somehow lost it while trying to save it. I would really like to hear from you again and would like to connect with you around your own awakening and emergence. Please email me again if you are reading this!
HI Anakha, Happy 40th!! I just want you to know that I am blessed to have you as my "Teacher" and every thing that you have taught about love and and being an individual expression is applied to my daily life. Just yesterday I sat down and read my vision and I looked through my intentions and and it is happening just like you said and taught! Thank you so much for these gifts of knowledge! Thanks for sharing the "SECRET" of all secrets with me! I love you and I look forward to the day when we can reunite and I can share the gifts you helped me obtain! Love always your MONKEY, Leslie
love how your blog is evolving. happy 40th.
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