Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico ~ Gilberto, Anakha and Gabriel
I hadn't even been in Mexico 24 hours when I found myself walking into a room full of people gathered to participate in The Moses Code peace vigil and to watch the movie...a bit surreal for sure. I was warmly welcomed by the two owners of One Wellness Center -- Gilberto and Gabriel (in the picture above). I was treated like a princess...no stranger in a strange land experience here! I was deeply touched and moved by the warmth and love and devotion of the people gathered and their deep desire to be instruments of love and peace on the planet in this time. I believe the Mexican people have so much to teach us about embodiment, about slowing the pace, living in the consciousness of "enoughness" and fully embracing spirituality and sexuality as one beautiful manifestation of God. I will keep myself open to the teachings of this place and these people this week while I am here. More to come...more to be revealed.
After meditating and watching the movie, they asked me to speak and answer questions. Gilberto was translating for his first time. At one point he looked at me smiling...completely overwhelmed by the speed of inspiration that was flowing...we laughed and embraced and I did my best to slow down.
Afterwards my friends Delayne and edd took me to Abuela's Terracio (grandmother's terrace) for chips, guacamole and a salad. We eventually headed back to the village Delayne lives in for a swim in the late afternoon sun. What stands out for me about today is the love I experienced with these people, their adoration and the palpable desire that emanated from their hearts. True embodiments of the Presence. I am grateful and I am curious to see what this week's adventure reveals. Traveling outside of the US always brings me into a deeper connection to the indwelling presence and brings a clarity of purpose. I welcome this experience!
My heart is full, my eyes wet with deep gratitude for our collective journey home...home to ourselves...to one another...to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth...for that is the essence of God embodied. I love you all. Te amo! Anakha
P.S. Gabriel and Gilberto spent the last 5 days translating The Moses Code into Spanish and adding the subtitles! A labor of love for sure! Gracias hombres!

After meditating and watching the movie, they asked me to speak and answer questions. Gilberto was translating for his first time. At one point he looked at me smiling...completely overwhelmed by the speed of inspiration that was flowing...we laughed and embraced and I did my best to slow down.
Afterwards my friends Delayne and edd took me to Abuela's Terracio (grandmother's terrace) for chips, guacamole and a salad. We eventually headed back to the village Delayne lives in for a swim in the late afternoon sun. What stands out for me about today is the love I experienced with these people, their adoration and the palpable desire that emanated from their hearts. True embodiments of the Presence. I am grateful and I am curious to see what this week's adventure reveals. Traveling outside of the US always brings me into a deeper connection to the indwelling presence and brings a clarity of purpose. I welcome this experience!
My heart is full, my eyes wet with deep gratitude for our collective journey home...home to ourselves...to one another...to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth...for that is the essence of God embodied. I love you all. Te amo! Anakha
P.S. Gabriel and Gilberto spent the last 5 days translating The Moses Code into Spanish and adding the subtitles! A labor of love for sure! Gracias hombres!

Hola, sera factible que compartas los subtitulos de The Moses Code en castellano? Gracias
Por favor comparte tus subtítulos en español!!! Please share the subtitles in spanish!!! pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
from Spain Thanx
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