Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rising in Love ~ Sufi Practice

One of the important things to do when releasing a habit or addiction is to create a new, nurturing and nourishing ritual to replace it with (instead of just making a "lateral move" to another addiction).

I would like to invite all of you to practice this Sufi heart awakening ritual once a day for the next week. Let's see how we join together when we make this our ritual instead of the practices of numbing we have engaged until now.

Ten minutes is all you will probably need to do this practice, to fan the flame. When you open your heart, you open your life!

I am posting this practice on the blog for those of you joining us on this journey through this medium! I invite you to join us in this practice this week.

Rumi wrote, "Love is not just the thirsty seeking the water, but the water seeking the thirsty." That which you seek is seeking you as well. What you have been seeking all along is love. All the while, love in its wonder has been seeking you. Rise now into the ideal. Rise into the possible. Rise in consciousness. Rise in realization of love and come to love yourself and your new life with the Beloved.

A Sufi Practice to Awaken the Heart

Most of us have learned how to build a fortress around our hearts. This technique, which is the proper use of a zikr, allows us to relax and permits the fortress walls to crumble. When done properly, this zikr leads one into holy union with the Divine Lover or the Beloved. It is a remarkable experience.

You will need a way to keep count of 33 exhalations. You may use a rosary or a mala if you have one. Or use your fingers. What you are going to do is take 33 very deep breaths and visualize the breath penetrating your heart center. With each exhalation, you will make the deep resonating sound of "hmmmmmmm" three times. Also, you gently tap your heart center several times on each exhalation.

Inhale slowly and fully and exhale to the sound of "hmmmmmm, hmmmmmm, hmmmmmm," as you tap your chest three or more times. Repeat the cycle 33 times. As you progress, you may experience a buzzing sensation in your head, chest or body. Do not be frightened. This is very good. the energy is beginning to be quickened and to flow. Take your time during the 33 repetitions. When you have finished, sit quietly and envision the Beloved coming to you through the call of this practice. Invite the Beloved now to sit before you in the available empty seat/space.

Your heart is now open, and you can with ease send love from your heart into the heart of the Beloved. In the same moment, you can visualize the Beloved sending his or her love into your heart. Be very still during this part and you will feel the sweetness of divine, holy love.

This may take several practices , until you fully realize the bliss available to each of us. Once you do, falling in love will never again be the direction you travel when you experience love. For now you know the mystery of the heart, and the only way to go is up.

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