Sitting across from my lover.
Sunrise cafe.
Table for two.
You and me
After a night of dancing
Body to body
Bed full of love
You and I
A dream
Yesterday's reality
Burns bright
The future not yet
Ready for the brilliance
of this Love
It waits dormant
In my heart
In my belly
In my hands
In my thighs
Where are you my Love?
Oatmeal sits in the cupboard
Mangoes silent in the bowl
My love steeping
Like a tea bag
In desire
Oh folly, such silliness
Let desire overtake me
Let my own love
Make love to me
Feel the erotic
Surrender the exotic
Energy builds in my nipples
My toes, my thighs, my pelvis,
My chest, my eyes
The sacred tremoring
This is God in my body
God embodied
There is no other Lover
But you
God meeting God
The intimates touch
The touch of the Divine
On my skin
Breeze God's fingers
Storm God's breath
Sun God's heat
Ocean God's mouth
Earth God's scent
Moon God's gaze
Open me Life
Open me Love
Open my Body
Heart, Mind and Soul
To receive God
As My Lover
Pancakes, slurpees, seedless watermelon
Nipples, soft belly, painted toes
Silk dress
Soft thighs
Eyes dancing
At the sight of you
Lips warm at the thought of you
God...bring my love and my loving
Home to me
Bring Him home ~ Divine Masculine
Bring Her home ~ Divine Feminine
Through the gates
We enter the mystery of Eden
Where our Love
And our lovemaking
Are held in the temple
of God's Love
under Her prayerful guidance
I surrender my sex
To you God
My loving and my love making
My fire and my desire
Bring me alive
Bring your radiance fully alive
Take me straight to the Razor's Edge
To the heart
of the heart
of the heart
of this Love.
YES Anakha!! So beautifully expressed and all the more miraculous because the love and the wonder is so embodied in everything: earth and heaven, flesh and spirit, the nitty gritty, the fun and funny, and the sublime. You ARE the hollowed bone open channel sacred vessel flowing with G!D's enlightened love. I am blessed to know you and look forward to the love tzunami continuing to grow and transform near and far through our worlds and beyond.
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