Saturday, February 23, 2008

God's Lovers

I am aware, in this this early morning hour,
of what makes my heart come alive...
small, sweet, sincere acts of love, of loving.
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love," says Mother Teresa.

I have been shown great love through small acts.
You have shown me great love through your small acts.

A sliced mango in the morning.
A cold Ginger Kombucha in my hand.
Dark chocolate with raspberries in my mouth.
A dance in the kitchen.
A meal shared.
A walk in the park.
Sunshine on my face.

I am so grateful for this love, this opportunity to love.
I am learning from my teacher.
The moment teaches me to love...
to surrender to the small acts of loving service
to myself,
to others,
to life.

One breath into stillness,
a pause to remember why I am here.
Make love to the moment.
I am making love in each moment...
Each precious moment...
is dripping with passion
with aliveness
with love.

I am drenched with God,
My heart writhing with ecstatic sweetness,
bittersweet losses in love,
a near miss,
hearts collide.

I slow the pace. I find my rhythm.
I connect with the sensuous she that lives within me.
I find my heart.
It is full this morning.
Full of love, opened and expanded through loving.
Loving through illusion.
Loving through the fear.
Loving through constriction.

God's grace has descended
and left its kiss upon me.

The floodgates have been opened.
The relentless pounding of love beats at the door to my heart...
I open from the inside,
Waves of the sweetest, truest love enter me.
Crashing through what is left
of barricades
from the past.
This love has reached me now.
I am no longer alone.
I am dissolved in the Truth
that you will always be here,
be near...
neither death nor distance
can separate God's Lovers.

Be still and know I am God.
Be still and know I am God.
Be still and know yourself as I Am,
the glorious Presence of God
that breathes you into being.
You are so beautiful.
So alive and curious.
Amazing in your motion.
Courageous with your Truth.

You Anakha are here now.
The lover you have been waiting for
has arrived...has penetrated the walls...
has awoken from the slumber...
lives within you,
resides within you,
forever within you,
she is...
I am.

We are one.
Now and forever.

p.s. this week I vow to live my life, moment to moment, sourced in Love...sharing Love through small acts. thank you to the teacher of the little way. i am grateful to walk the path of the sacred heart.

1 comment:

Gene Latimer said...

without fireworks
nor artifacts
i look for you
in simplicity
in quietness
in stillness

in the deep communion
that is