Thursday, February 21, 2008

Embracing the Unknown ~ Negative Capability

"If we are able to stay with a situation, it will carry us to a new place."
~ Shaun McNiff ~

One of the lessons I am learning as I walk this path of sacred love centers around staying with and staying in uncertainty, mystery and doubt without reaching for a quick and easy remedy to regain some semblance of understanding, meaning or control. Resolution doesn't always come...or at least not in the time frame or in the way I would like it to. This is one of the great mysteries of faith...and requires a complete surrender to the Holy Authority...Divine Will, Divine Timing, Divine Purpose.

I surrender. Again. I surrender in the face of the unknown, in the face of overwhelming uncertainty and mystery. I surrender my heart, my life, my breathing, my thinking, my speaking, my loving, my light, my dark. I surrender my control, my grasping and my gripping. I surrender my coercing and manipulating. I surrender all the ways that I attempt to create a reality other than the one my Soul longs to live -- a life of truth, beauty and love. As D.H. Lawrence suggested, "the Soul is perfect in its movement and in its ability to minister to itself." I surrender to the movement and the ministry of my soul.

I feel my capacity for keeping my heart open in the face of uncertainty being stretched tonight. I am feeling my heart...overflowing with love, aching with sweet agony. I can feel warmth in my chest...there is activity, there is aliveness....the sacred heart is beating in my life, within my core. The greatest expansions of love seem to occur when the fabric of love appears to have broken down -- betrayal, misunderstanding, and judgment -- it is in the midst of these heartbreaking experiences that I am most aware of my heart expanding, opening, and blossoming in Love. Blossoming in what I can only imagine is a Christic Love...a love that can only be brought to me through the grace of God and by the Holy Spirit. When I am stretched beyond my edge, when I am asked to have radical compassion for myself and another -- this Love grows.

To enter the waters of sacred love we must be willing to embrace the embrace and withstand what John Keats called "negative capability." Negative capability is when a person is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, and doubts without any irritable reaching after fact and reason. Keats believed that great people have the ability to accept that not everything can be resolved. He urged us to let things be in whatever may be their uncertainty and their mystery.

Can I stay in and with amidst uncertainty, mystery and doubt?

Can I accept that not everything can be resolved?

Can I keep my heart open in the face of disappointment, heartbreak and loss?

Can I see with the eyes of faith?

To enter the waters of Sacred Love we must develop our capacity for sustaining negative capability. To endure the great mysteries of live open-hearted, naked-hearted without guarantees and assurances. There are no insurance policies in Sacred Love.

Tonight I surrender my heart, my loving. I make offering of this one life...the life of Anakha Coman. And again I vow to live, to fully live and to fully embody and to fully express this sacred heart soul's journey home to the Kingdom of Sacred Love.

Help me Yeshua, help me to grow in me to allow the Great Mystery of your Love, manifest as my life, to unfold now with grace, ease and flow.


P.S. I received a letter from Nichole the end of the letter she makes this one sentence statement, "we all have a fire within us....when are we going to turn it up?" Yes, darling, dear...wise one...let us all turn it up now!


Gene Latimer said...

as we all turn our fires up
higher and higher
it's going to get hot
a lot hotter
as the alchemical transformations
bubble on
in our
Christic crucible(s)

no more sitting on the fence
no more hiding
nor pretending that
"it'll cool off soon"

pass me some kindling

Owen Anschel said...

Tony Robbins says that one of peoples' greatest needs is a sense of certainty.

To be in the unknown, uncertain, and to surrender requires great courage, strength, and trust.

You have all of these qualities-I witness them in you every day. Do not fear; do not doubt. I see all that you have asked for coming into form, showering you with the blessings and gifts that you so deserve.

When you let go of needing an answer is when it will come.