Monday, February 25, 2008

Music Got Me Feeling So Free

I am dancing in the kitchen this morning, music pounding from the iPod station on the counter... "Music got me feeling so free, One more time We gonna celebrate Oh yeah Don't stop dancing One more time." (Daft Punk, One More Time) I've been on a cleaning spree since 7 a.m. Cleaning out, clearing out, making way. Kodi, Randy's dog, is following me around the house, panting, smiling, watching the ancient shamanic ritual of chasing dust bunnies around the hardwood floors.

As I pass through the kitchen I stop to dance...celebrate, oh yeah...and I remember what I am celebrating and who I am celebrating. I remember how much I love just dancing by myself. How much ecstasy my own essence brings beautiful and free I feel in my body. Free to feel, free to move, to in my heart to love, to cry, to be joyful, happy. I am free.
I enjoy my solo dance in life. I enjoy my time in partnership. I enjoy my time in community.
And most often I reach my most ecstatic states in love when I am alone...grooving with God.
This is who I am and how I am. And that is alright with me. Don't get me wrong...I love loving another...loving with another, being in love. This love I feel for life is enough for me today...moment to is abundantly available. Will I pause, listen for the music and dance?

And, I am in love with me today. And that is so damn cool, so very awesome and amazing. In love with all of me...the frightened, masked, scared aspects and the evolved, mystical, beautiful parts. All me, here this sacred bundle of a bodysoulheartmind.

I chase more dust bunnies...I clean the mirror...I see myself clearly in the reflection...reel in the projections. Yes I am a womanchild in this journey into love, into intimacy...I am both evolved and evolving. Yes, I am still learning...I am still this sacred art form becoming.

I think back to a song I wrote with Blaine 4 or 5 years ago. The title, "It's Been Me." Today I return to that place of knowing the only Lover there is, is the one that lives inside of me. Seek there first and all else will magically fall into place.

I return again to my own naked and revealed much more available due to my journey with others that have joined me for the last several months after my retreat. I have been "schooled" as they say, through our all have shown me my light and my dark and for this I am eternally grateful.

Kodi has settled at my feet. I wonder if she is ready for the upstairs cleaning? Maybe some kundalini yoga first. My friend Johnny is in town today...the mystic on the motorcycle (although I doubt he has his bike today)...we will have lunch together. And then I will return for more cleaning and life is opening into the realm of miracles...constant and abundant and for that I am grateful.

So very very humbled. I have so much to learn.


P.S. The lyrics....It's Been Me...

It's been me, I've wanted all this time
It's been me, the mystery lover
All the frantic searching, heartaches and dead ends
It's been me all this time

I'm the one I've always wanted to hold, caress and love
To delight with, take flight with, beautify
TO respect, trust and care for, believe in and even die for
It's been me all this time

Today I lay naked like a babe on its first dawn
I wrapped myself in Love's embrace
I finally know what it means to truly love myself

My whole body, each limb, every part of me
I manifest the Spirit in this unique design
Thank you God for love, Thank you God for me

Thank you God for the mystery
Thank you God for the simplicity
Inside and beside me
To and through you guide me,
May the Spirit shine as me

It's been me all this time.

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