Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I Am Here

I am here to bring the power of the Sacred Feminine
To reclaim her mysteries
To reveal her innermost secrets
I am here to share love's radiance
To immerse myself in my own succulence
To become deep nourishment
I am here to remember the lost and abandoned parts
To call myself fully present
To restore the Kingdom of my own essence
I am here to bring the wildness
To move with devotion and abandon
To expose my own naked, sacred heart
I am here to love with an unguarded heart
To risk my significance
To nourish the seeds of my own Soul
I am here to bring the Sacred Love elixir
To offer the milk and honey of the Promised Land
To restore the sacred balance of the Feminine and Masculine
I am here to show the way of Mystical Eroticism
To know that God, Life-Force, Sex is One energy with One purpose
To unleash the powers of Love in my Life, in the Life
I am here to love you
To love you as myself
To live the oneness that was, is and will always be
I am here to walk the path of the Christian Mystic
To follow Yeshua and Magdalena into the fires of Sacred Passion
To enact my own purpose with as much love and clarity and power and purpose
as I possibly can

I am here now
I receive full support for bringing these revelations and teachings and healings to the world. I dedicate myself to this mission to restore the balance, to unite what was never meant to be separate. To allow people to have full access to their aliveness, their power, their purpose...to live the Promise of Heaven on Earth, to embody radiant love.

We have the power...we have the power...to change the future...to create the future.
I have been taught a way of activating this power that is in alignment with Divine Will and in service to the collective heart.

Come away with me...let us live the Mystery...




Owen Anschel said...

As I am filled with love for myself, complete love, acceptance, and compassion for myself, possibly for the first time ever, my love for you deepens, widens, opens even more.

As I type, I weep with joy and gratitude for you. For your love, for your presence, for you, exactly as you are in each moment. A gift from God. Dissolved, disarmed, disrobed, dismantled in your presence.

We are love.

Gene Latimer said...

I have known you, loved you, admired you...for so long. Recall describing you as a "force of nature" in my own writings once.

But I'm still amazed by what is opening up in you now, has been for the past week...the new magnitudes of aliveness and power.

Being touched by your mystic fires has set me aflame...bringing forth my own incendiary powers, burning up the dross and padding and emotional energetic clutter weighing me down

...enabling the Gene Phoenix to emerge (again) into realms of ecstatic embodiment, sacred intimacy, radical love, mystical erotic presence

...stepping into such freedom that I am free from even your own intoxicating power, free now to simply delight in it, and merge with it at times to bring forth new forms of creative expression and healing and play, to anchor with you the core of our expanding, joyous, nurturing mystic Christic community

...the answers and responses to so many prayers...stretching back decades...now being manifest.

It is good.


Peter C Scrogin said...

You're the woman prophet I'd dream of... the Goddess leading her children to the promise land.

Behold, your core flock have come to honor you... to love you. Because of you, there is a roaring fire in our bellies... a passion for life... a propose to live.

What the hold up? Your beloved flock is now waiting for you to begin your ministry...

Your flock is now here waiting for you to bring them the power of the Sacred Feminine
Waiting to reclaim her mysteries
Waiting to reveal her innermost secrets
Your flock is now here waiting for you to share love's radiance
Waiting to be immerse in their own succulence

Waiting to become deeply nourishment
Your flock is now here waiting to remember the lost and abandoned parts

Waiting to call them fully present

Waiting to restore the Kingdom of their own essence

Your flock is now here waiting for you to bring the wildness

Waiting to move with devotion and abandon
to expose their own naked, sacred hearts
Your flock is now here waiting to love with an unguarded heart
Waiting to risk their own significance

Waiting to nourish the seeds of their own Soul

Your flock is now here waiting for you to bring them the Sacred Love elixir
Waiting for you to offer them the milk and honey of the Promised Land
Waiting for you to restore the sacred balance of the Feminine and Masculine
Your flock is now here waiting for you to show the way of Mystical Eroticism
Waiting to know that God, Life-Force, Sex is One energy with One purpose

Waiting to unleash the powers of Love in their Life, in the Life
Your flock is now here waiting to love you
Waiting to live the oneness that was, is and will always be
Your flock is now here waiting to walk the path of the Christian Mystic

Waiting to follow Yeshua and Magdalena into the fires of Sacred Passion
Waiting to enact our own purpose with as much love and clarity and power and purpose
 as we possibly can
Your flock is now here now waiting to receive full support for bringing these revelations and teachings and healings to them and the world.

Your flock is now here waiting to go away with you...let us live the Mystery...

Waiting to be disrobe
Waiting to be dismantle
Waiting to be 

Waiting to be dissolve

We are