Monday, June 9, 2008

Entering the Crucible

In this video, Anakha brings us reassurance about the nature of the Crucibles that call to us now...and what will happen once we stop resisting Love's presence and say "yes".

Let us surrender to the fierce, tender, radical Sacred Love...letting it burn away our emotional pain and struggles.

Let us move beyond the half-hearted "yes" we often give to Life...and remember, always, to not be afraid.

1 comment:

Leslie Howeth said...

Thank you Anakha!!! You hit it right on for me today! I remember when you taught me that fear would hold me eyes filled with tears because i felt you were speaking directly to me!!! You are so beautiful and clear!!! Before we spoke yesterday I felt confused and alone. I feel LOVE at this moment!! I think I will stay this moment!!!! Thank you again my beloved teacher!!!!!!