Saturday, June 7, 2008

Love One Another

Anakha continues her exploration of the mystical erotic awakening...and how we actually become instruments of Love. Watch this video as she makes her journey into radical, embodied Love.


Anonymous said...

All I can say is......
You nailed it!!!!!!
You have arrived, My Dear Sister!


Anonymous said...

YES dear Anakha! At this time of bringing the Malchut of the Heavenly Realm into the Malchut of our ongoing lives you are more than
ever the sacred vessel/vehicle for transformation of Eheyeh asher

We are called to love our neighbor as ourself and the stranger as ourself precisely because we are all b'tzelem Ehohim (G!Dly
manifestations of the One Who is the Source of all life, love, and
blessing and the One Who in the Torah starts each day with sunset
which in Hebrew is called Bein HaArbayim/the time of the Supernal
light between the vaults of the heaven, the vault of darkness exposing itself to the vault of light which can transform it ). And when I heard the song Evening the Evenings/Maariv Aravim (that I sent you) I felt that happening within me and within the world. And then breathing in and breathing out love as you are (and through your eyes and heart and all the energy centers, and through your feet and your hands, and with pc contraction and engaged pelvic tilt) totally transformative and renewing davka/all the more so in the face of daily challenges/opportunities.

So from time zone to time zone spreading the tzunami of light and love, I send you blessing and love to continue your/our journey from strength to strength!!!


Leslie Howeth said...

I understand!!!!!! Thank you Anakha!!!! I love you my teacher!!!Sometimes I forget to go inside my self to learn and love. The burning description!!!!! Love is showing up!!!