Saturday, June 28, 2008

Burning Bush

Two minutes after my last post.
Smoke filled the air.
As I write this entry two fire trucks pass by my house.
Sirens blaring, neighbors running.
Ashes falling on my computer.
The fire is literally burning.
One block away.
Smoke thick.
The fire is burning.

The neighbors shrubs caught fire.

Burning bush...
The Presence of God

Upon us.

Heat is Sexy

Heat is sexy.
A green aphid crawls across my black dress.
Front porch, sunlight dances.
Breeze caressing my skin.
Drenched in God.
Filled to overflowing with joy and goodness.
Smiling slyly...I know the secrets of love.
Feeling the beauty of my own essence.
Nourishing self with self.
Ooooooh so sweet.
I walk alone in the Promised Land.
Beloveds near.
Experiencing the burn of love.
The fire has settled in my belly, in my heart, in my pelvis.
The coals burn slowly, in this deep silence, core stillness.
Bringing me alive in Love.
I discover the mystery of my own love.
Can my heart expand to carry this rapture?
The gravity, the ecstasy of sacred love.
Yes, yes, yes.
I feel the dance in my cells.
Bringing me alive.
Carrying me now.
I let go into the wildness, into the beat of my own heart.
In love, in love.
I carry the scent of the sacred.
Come near, come near.
I won't burn you.
I will enfold you in this desire
Bend your ear to my heart and listen.
I have love songs to sing you.
Sweetly, gently I will take you down, in, under.
Join me in this union,
As one, always has been, always will be.
Bring your fear
Bring your woundedness
Bring your joy
Bring your tenderness
Bring all to the All.
I love you, I love myself.
My breath moves through me
The Spirit upon me
Playing the instrument
Writing its word upon my heart
Awe beholds me now
My gaze straight, clear
Eyes dancing with delight
I see you
Come near
One step closer
One step toward love
And love will make 1000 steps towards you
Gratitude fills me
Allow me to love you
Allow me to feed you
Honey wine, tender grapes
The vines bear fruit
Dripping their juices
On our faces
Drink deeply of this nectar
Tongues twisting to devour this goodness
This sweetness
God meeting God
What did I do to deserve
This love
Alone and smiling from the inside
Basking in the radiance that surrounds me
Yes, heat is sexy
My body taut with passion
Eyes filled with compassion
Heart surging with love
Love bridges the distance
Between you and I
I stand firm in myself
Devoted, donated to this love
Unwavering, unrelenting
One step in
Swept away
I see you, come near
I promise to love you
I promise to love myself
I am at home in the house of Love
Sweat dripping from my arms
I open
I receive
I offer
Myself to you
As love
In love
Yes, Beloved
Heat is God
Warming us
Preparing us
For love's matrimony
Shy or bold
Come near
The Spirit of God
Is upon us
The breeze has secrets to tells us
Don't go back to sleep.

Love, devotion
Feeling emotion
Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be afraid to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be your return to yourself
Your return to innocence.
Believe in destiny.
Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way

I love you...
I love myself...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Love is Growing

In the dark calm of this night
I reach for you
Your voice serenades me from the distance
Waking me from the dream of separation
I remember you...
You and I are one
Here, now
In the sanctuary of my heart
Love grows
Slowly, organically
Imperceptible to the eye
It grows
It's stirring deep within me
Be patient
Slow the pace
To my natural rhythm
No push, no pull
Love's natural unfolding
In Divine Time
Yes, Beloved we have
Been pricked by thorns
Blood spilling from
The wounded heart
And now,
The rose unfurls, blossoming in summer's light
The scent of the sacred
Upon our lips
Honeysweet swirling in our mouths
Love has come to our domain
There is nothing to do Beloved
Allow, allow, allow me
To bring this sacred marriage
Home to you
I love you, I love myself
I love you, I love myself
I love you, I love myself
Om Shanti, Shanti Om

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I Burn for You...

Now that I have found you
In the cool breath of your evening smile
The shade of your parasol
And your love flows through me
Though I drink at your pool
I burn for you, I burn for...

You and I are lovers
When night time folds around our bed
In peace we sleep entwined
And your love flows through me
Though an ocean soothes my head
I burn for you, I burn for...

Stars will fall from dark skies
As ancient rocks are turning
Quiet fills the room
And your love flows through me
Though I lie here so still
I burn for you, I burn for you

I burn...

~ Sting

What is the emptiness that I sense tonight?
I am burning for something I cannot quite understand or name.
A quiet and empty space that is reserved for the Lover.
Yes, there is a vacancy in my heart.
A reservation held for my Lover.
The Triune of Love...God, Self and Lover
swirling in this honeymoon of life.
Sometimes I wonder,
Where this path will lead,
This untethered, yet deeply rooted, journey into Love.
I have left the old reality...
of husband, career, and family behind...
for the uncharted terrain of my soul's path...
of lover, offering and community.

I belong in the emptiness
I can feel the space inside me that
is available for union
Blessed union with another
I have kept this place Sacred
It has been untouched
Reserved, preserved
for the right time and right place
The Divine Wills this into being
He will arrive when the fruit is sweet
and the vines are dancing in my hair.
He will make his entry into this space
within me...
I can feel him near
I can remember his breath
I know the scent of him
The touch of him
The taste of him
I remember Love
I remember this Union
God's Lovers
will find one another
in the midnight sky
dancing in the meadows
making love amidst the trees

Yes, I feel the emptiness
I remember you my Love
I know your wildness
Come let us remember
this love and this living together.

Still and silent tonight.
I praise the untouched innocence.
The sacred space reserved for you.

I will love you forever.

Lover and Beloved, eternally one.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Love Creates!

Anakha describes the deep core reality of the love force that creates the universe....that is the source of all true manifestation.

Let's look at the guidance needed by sacred activists at this time in our evolution...stepping beyond the mind and letting the divine create a sustainable new reality.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Entering the Crucible

In this video, Anakha brings us reassurance about the nature of the Crucibles that call to us now...and what will happen once we stop resisting Love's presence and say "yes".

Let us surrender to the fierce, tender, radical Sacred Love...letting it burn away our emotional pain and struggles.

Let us move beyond the half-hearted "yes" we often give to Life...and remember, always, to not be afraid.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Become Love!

The invitation at this time in humanity's evolution is clear: become love.
Dive into the crucible that calls you...and become love.
There is only ONE thing happening on this planet right now...the full embodiment of the presence of love. The call grows stronger. All you have to do is say "Yes".

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Love One Another

Anakha continues her exploration of the mystical erotic awakening...and how we actually become instruments of Love. Watch this video as she makes her journey into radical, embodied Love.

The Love Tsunami

We are a part of the Love Tsunami you know.
Freeing all that caged up love in our hearts...
The wave of Love is building.

I had a dream three nights ago.
I was standing on the shore watching the most magnificent wave...Tsunami style.
It was beautiful and outrageously gigantic.
It was cresting and curling, moving powerfully forward.
Green blue warmth.
I stood and watched in awe.
No fear.
Someone was with me.
Others were with me in this dream.

This morning as I prayed from this place, this inner space of ultimate vulnerability
(it feels like I am all heart, one heart exposed no skin, no protection)...ahhh, yes...the naked heart.

I asked God for guidance...
What is this for?
What will this serve?
Why are you opening me to such a rare and beautiful love?
Can I withstand it?
Should I get a "real" job?
What does this mean?

And, I heard...start a Love Wave.
Free the love inside of you, help free it in others.
Unleash this locked up power on the world.Freed, expressed Love is what will reign peace on the world.
This is Alaha Huba...the Sacred Love that Created the Universe.

And I remembered my dream...The Love Wave.
It's real.
Not some, ungrounded illusion.
A real project...freeing ourselves from the prisons,
uncaging the Love...donating it, devoting it to the world,
creating a Love Tsunami that will move the world.

What else would be worth living for?

I am, we are. . .the Love Wave.

Soft Petals, Sharp Thorns

He left a tiny pink rosebud on the front porch pillar yesterday. I don't think he has ever arrived without a gift or a blessing for me -- tonight a strawberry, earlier this week a wildflower bouquet...a wild asparagus bundle from the orchards of Hoodriver, a juicy mango. I remember that he arrived with two oranges the first time he visited me, back in January of this year.

That is what he has brought me over these months of loving and healing and relating...real nourishment...exquisite beauty. He has been a blessing in my life. We have experienced the depths of love, the ecstasy of love and the pain and agony of fear and separation. We have burned through illusions of who we are...we have raised monsters from the dead...skeletons we thought were gone...emerged again from the closet to be witnessed, loved and transformed.

We have burned through the illusions of what love and loving is. We have burned through illusions of what we are supposed to be for one another. We have allowed one form of the relationship to die so a truer expression and connection could be born. Tonight we completed another phase and form of our relationship...and we entered the void again, seeing what, if anything awaits us now.

In this relating, I have been stripped down. My heart's armor dissolved. I have allowed another to lead me into facing aspects of myself I have been concealing for years -- the dark and the light. I can't speak for him, but I see the same transformation occurring within him. An alchemical and beautifully riveting, heart penetrating relationship.

And it hasn't been easy. It has been quite challenging to love the ugly, as Heather says, to see the ugly within me and within him and to stay present, breath through it, experience the fear and the anger and stay in. And yet, in this humble place, miracles have occurred, love has taken root...a love for Self, a love for God and Life...a love for one another. This is the promise and the fulfillment of love...of loving...of staying in the crucible...staying in the fire long enough to receive the gift.

This is what I believe Jesus was saying when he said, "det haboon had l'had akayna d'ena ahabtekoon" ....Love One Another. Love one another without condition, look out for one another as the pupil of your own eye, feed one another with the manna of Life.

I am grateful for being opened in the Presence. I am grateful for this raw exposure to life, to others, to my own heart and essence. In the Gospel of Mary Magdalene she says, "he is calling us to be fully human." I am understanding that now.

Mary and Jesus...oh yeah, they've got it going on. I am following them into this crucible.
Guide our way into Love...Amen.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

God is the Lover

The simple is calling me tonight

The unfettered, uncomplicated movement

of life and soul

Sweet, spacious, sensuous feminine opening

I am still in the eye of your storm

In the bud

Holding essence

Building presence

For the time of opening

For the bursting forth of scent and color

Draws me near to you

My love

I am opening in your presence

Finding joy in my own essence

We sit, side by side

In the field beyond, you and I

Like two old friends

Lifetimes have passed between us

One fleeting moment

Unfurls a torrent of passion

Submerged in the night

of the mystic's dance

Our hearts collide

You come calling

Knocking on the door

To all that has been hidden,


I am revealed


Eyes soft from

Love's ravishing touch

Opened, quivering nakedness

of heart, of soul, of body

I smile to myself

Knowing I will never be

the same,

Forever altered

In this Love

In this place

even reaching for


is child's play

I surrender

and fall deeper

Resting softly

in your arms

No push

No pull

Only this precious

Present moment

And all that is.

Come quickly Love

for the night is young

and we have delicious

magic to make.

Surround me

Surround me

Surround me

With your love.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ultimate Vulnerability

To love and be loved with ferocity and tenderness is to live with ultimate, naked one another, to Self, to God and to Life. From this place, the potency and the ripeness of Divine Love can be revealed and expressed and experienced. I am feeling this exposure tonight after an evening full of interactions with people that I love...and I wonder..."can my heart withstand this aliveness of being, this unmasked, undiluted, full-throttle loving?"

Intense. Immense. Intimate.

A life of one soul...sourced in love.

I am.