Monday, March 31, 2008

Becoming Fully Human...Fully Divine!

"Do not remain in sorrow and doubt, for his Grace will guide and comfort you. He is calling upon us to become fully human," Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene ~The Gnostic Gospels.

In walking the path of fully embodying our divinity and humanity -- bringing God and Love into the center of our hearts, minds, bodies and lives -- we will come face to face with the chaos and wildness that we most fear and suppress. We will be asked to have an authentic relationship with our spiritual, sexual and sensual selves. We will be brought into connection with our own natural wildness and unpredictability. We will experience an intimate relationship with life and with others and will experience the beauty, the chaos and the vulnerability that is inherent in nature. This is where we will discover the Presence of Love...of God. This is where we will enact a powerful and palpable and embodied faith. This is where we will fulfill Yeshua's commandment, "Love one another, as I am loving you."

James Nelson writes in his book Between Two Gardens: Reflections on Sexuality and Religious Experience: “The mystery of sexuality is the mystery of the human need to reach out for the physical and spiritual embrace of others. Sexuality thus expresses God’s intention that people find authentic humanness not in isolation but in relationship.” Whether we are single or married, gay or straight, it is in that messy, demanding, confounding, delightful chaos of human relationships that we find our way to God.

It was one year ago this March that I set out to awaken in love, to awaken my own Sacred Heart and to discover the path, the process, the principles of living an embodied Love. My journey over the last year has brought me face to face with areas of my life and aspects of my self that I had previously judged or held as separate from God. Now, more than ever, I believe it is critical that we bring an embodied faith that includes sexuality, intimacy, eroticism, authenticity, community, relationship and love into the heart of our religious and spiritual practices and discussions. We are not meant to hide these aspects of ourselves and our lives "under a bushel" for they hold the aliveness and the ripeness of God and need to be recovered, remembered and reclaimed in the light of our individual and collective wholeness. As I make peace with these aspects of myself, I bring peace to the world. It is from this place of embodiment that we can do as Yeshua said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12)

I am grateful for this assignment of learning the path of embodiment, walking the path and undergoing the transformations to fully embody my own divinity and humanity. This is the path of the undivided. I invite you to join me in this journey into Sacred Love.


{This video blog is the first in a series of three.)

Monday, March 24, 2008

So Much Magnificence!

Oregon Coast, 3.24.08

There is so much magnificence near the ocean.
Waves are coming in,
Waves are coming in,
Hallelujah, hallelujah.
~ Miten ~

There is so much magnificence near the the ocean. I sat for hours staring into the ocean this afternoon and into the evening. I sat on a long, smooth log on the shore, sun shining on my face, looking out and into the waves...crashing, tumbling, rolling, colliding, advancing, retreating, lapping, licking, swirling, swaying. I felt the Power, I felt the Presence moving through her...moving through me...and with each moment I felt myself grow stronger, I felt myself rejuvenate, reconnect, remember, resurrect. There is so much magnificence near the ocean and today I was there to see it, to feel it and to bring it into my own body, through my breath, through my eyes, through my skin, through my desire.

At one point my eyes were drawn downward to some small, white, bead-like pebbles that were laying in the sand. I knelt down and picked one up to hold in my hand. It was a "grain" of sea salt. As I rolled it between my fingers and into my palm I heard: "This is the amount of faith required to move the mountain. Do you have this much faith?" I smiled and felt the pebble in my hand. "Yes, I have this much faith." "Then the mountain will be moved...then the mountain is moved. It is done, accomplished." I smiled again and exhaled...I have been needing to exhale...working so hard to hold it together, figure it out...and today, today I relaxed into the deep knowing that all is well...that in all matters of my life, this Life...all is well.

The Power that moves and animates the the same Power that moves and animates you and I. We can trust that Power...we can tap that Power...I am that...I AM. I gathered at least 100 of those tiny pebbles for others...knowing that we all need to remember that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed and take one step in faith...God will take 100 towards us. Move mountain...and it moves. Nothing will be impossible when we remember that the Ocean, the Presence, the Power lies within us.

I invite you to take a trip to the ocean, sit with a tree, gaze on a flower, smell the scent of Spring...let love find you, let faith move you, let God's sweet Universe remind, restore, resurrect you.

Thank you Grandmother Ocean for re-membering me today. There is so much magnificence near the the me. Amen.

Matthew 17:20

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Resurrecting Wholeness

We are being called to make a full surrender into Love, into Faith, into leave all of our misconceptions of separation, illusions of scarcity and lack on the cross. A full surrender will be required to initiate a resurrection into our wholeness, our collective oneness. Tonight on this eve of the holy resurrection, I make my own full surrender into the arms of Love. I hold nothing back, I give it all to God. I lay it down, I surrender to Love. My separated self cannot survive the turmoil of the divided life one second more. My Soul is calling me into the life of oneness, of peace, of joy and of deep and sustained love. I am ready to hang it on the cross...whatever the it or the its are that keep me from rising into full, embodied Presence. I give it up, I release, I let go. I accept my own salvation, my own wholeness, my own risen, Christic Self.

I do this on behalf of myself and for all sentient beings, knowing what is claimed in the name of Love, is claimed in the name of all. Let us rise up together in our collective wholeness, let us experience the bliss of resurrected Love. Dear God, bring us into the radical love, the radical forgiveness, the radical compassion that Yeshua demonstrated so beautifully, so boldly during his life...and especially at his death. Let us do as he did, let us teach only Love. And so it is.

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Future is Organic

This was the message on a bumper sticker that caught my attention tonight as I was driving home from the store. "The Future is Organic." I followed the little red car for a couple of blocks before it turned and kept repeating to myself...the future is organic. As I allowed the words to sink in...a calm sensation swept over me. I think most often we think of the future as being either uncertain or somehow fixed. I like the idea of the future being the flow, tune and attuned...on time, in time...the right time and open for a miraculous change in direction and perception at any moment.

The future is organic...the seeds planted in our heart and mind today will bear fruit at some point in the future. What we tend to and attend to...what we nurture with our focus and intention will organically unfold in time. I am comforted by this knowing...that keeping my heart and mind on God...on Love...will organically create my life...effortlessly, gracefully without struggle, force or masterminding. I remember Mary Manin Morrissey often saying..."it is your job to claim the what, it is the Universe's job to determine the how and the when."

I have planted many seeds in the past 9 deepest and most essential heart's desires have taken root in my core. My work as an author, teacher and healer are unfolding. I am here to teach the path of bring Love and God into the body...embodying the Presence with our presence, moment to moment. I am here to reclaim sexuality, sensuality and eroticism as Holy aspects of God's Kingdom. I am here to learn to love...myself, God and others. I am here to become Love.

And, we can rest in the deep knowing that the future is organic. Growing, unfolding, blossoming, dying, resurrecting, rising. Let us seek first the indwelling Kingdom of Love and leave the future to the One who is the master gardener of our dreams.

Be still and know I Am.
Be still and know the future is organic.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Breathing in God...God in the Body!

I believe this is the essential shift that we find ourselves within today -- this is the essential shift I find myself within to embody the Presence of to allow the Presence of Love to grow stronger than the presence of fear, the ego? Now is the time for an embodied spiritual and sexual awakening that will usher in the energies of love, creativity, unity and peace that we are so hungry for. I hear Yeshua urging us on..."be not afraid, for I am with you." Ameyn. "Breathing God" is a short video blog from this week. Enjoy! Love, Anakha

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Manifesting "I AM THAT, I AM"

How can we free ourselves from the prisons of the mind and fully embody the Divine Presence in each moment? How can we activate the creative Life Force within our own Presence to powerfully create a life of Soul fulfillment? With the premiere of James Twyman's new movie, The Moses Code (, it is clear that we are ready to make an essential shift, liberating ourselves from the Pharaoh of Fear and fully inhabiting the Divine Presence, the Promised Land, within our own lives. Watch "Manifesting the I AM THAT, I AM" in this video blog.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

7.11/12.07 ~ Yeshua on Ahimsa

I found this writing in my journal from July 11 & 12 2007 -- the second day of my 40 day retreat. I was sitting on a cement bench at the Shell gas station in Talent, OR. It was 105 degrees and I was drinking a big bottle of Earth2o. I had come into town to see Delayne and Lee as they passed through in their Tab trailer...they had sold Blue Moon and were en route to their new home in Mexico.

I wanted to share these writings as they were the first teachings I received from Yeshua during my time in retreat. Enjoy!

7/11/07 (I am transcribing these notes just as they were scribbled in my sacred heart journal).

Naked Heart....Naked Soul...Everyday Mystic
awareness so far
pace...natural rhythms, heartbeat, the breath...this is the pace of the sacred heart, of love, a "care-full-ness" from isness is born fullness of heart...enabling us to care ...truly love and extend love to self, other, planet, etc. Moving at an unnatural or forced pace desensitizes the heart, overrides the bodies natural functioning and well being...our organs naturally move into self-protection, self-preservation mode that the stress creates. This is also where craving or addictions or distortion begin, the body's way of trying to preserve balance in a stressed way. The body...impacted by the emotions created by stress, begins to crave artificial means to keep the pace...caffeine, sugar, pills, drugs or to relax and ground, alcohol, nicotine or even to try to connect.

Pace changes frequency, slow the pace to native state and frequency increases. Stress the pace well beyond native state and frequency will decrease.

7/12/2007 ~ Sunrise Lookout Platform, Sun, mist, valley view, mountain pose.

Ahimsa...nonviolence...true nature of the sacred heart. Neither for or against...rooted in love...mountain pose, upright, empowered stance of love...clear focus, certain of need to attack or defend...true power of gentle strength...humility, humus of the this place thinking, planning, striving, anticipating subside, subservient to the be rooted in Alaha..sacred unity, the web...requires the pace of love, breath, heartbeat, alaha huba, alaha sheba...authentic needs are met because we are moving at the pace of universal good.

I am grateful for my reconciled nature, ahimsa, nonviolence rooted in sacred unity. Thank you Yeshua for the restoration of ahimsa in my soul, in my core. Ameyn.

This truly is the most important, most blessed gift which I have needed.
Yeshua: I know my daughter-sister-bride, Ahimsa.

Ahimsa, Ahimsa, Ahimsa

A still and gentle love occupies my heart this morning as I sit in the silence reflecting on my life and my current "occupation" of embodying sacred love, the path of becoming love. The image I see as I look into my heart is of a soft pink rose spinning in the center of my chest, opening slowly, with tenderness. Some petals are opening, exposing beauty, truth, love...some are clinging to the core, not yet ready to release into the wild unknown that is my life.

I am having a real relationship with myself today -- a naked relationship with my own heart as I sense into the movement of my Soul. I awoke this morning with deep sadness. As I laid in the silence and stillness of the morning I became aware of my fears, of my vulnerabilities, of what it requires to live a life sourced from love and revealed in love. The consequences of living the Naked Heart path.

The more I stand in and commit to fully living my purpose -- to embody radiant love -- the more I am finding myself in relationship with that which blocks the flow of that love...fear, uncertainty, doubt, confusion. In New Thought we are often taught to change our thinking when we are feeling fear or sadness, to think a new thought, to affirm a new reality, to do something to change our current state. In my experience the possibility of true and lasting transformation lies in going into the feeling, understanding it's message and working from within my authentic experience to allow what needs to be opened, to be opened and what needs to be known, to be known, what needs the tenderness of true love, to be tenderly loved. the way to truly transform and embody love is to enter into a direct relationship with that which blocks our awareness and experience of Love's presence. I believe these feelings are messages from our Soul, they have guidance, wisdom and truth embedded within them. Follow the feeling, listen for the message...become free.

I was keenly aware this morning that I had a choice. To push through, perservere, be strong, be disciplined, focus on my intention or to surrender to the deeper, truer call of my Soul. I could get up and put myself through my daily regimen of making fresh juice, kundalini yoga, mediation and writing. Or, I could listen to the deeper call...the call that would take me into direct relationship with myself and God.

I made a different choice today. I decided to have a real relationship with my interior, with the sadness, the despair, the sense of nothingness. I wanted to know her...what is happening for the being that lives within this skin, around this skin, that lives within this heart, that sees with these eyes, that touches with these hands. What is she experiencing, what does she need? How can I practice Ahimsa...a radical love and compassion towards myself today? How can I court the Presence by being present with what is moment to moment?

I am moving slowly today, staying connected to my breath and to the gentle voice of love, the tenderness that I am needing to give to myself today. What does she want? She wants forgiveness, she wants me to let her off the cross for all the ways I succumb to fear, for all the ways I hide and play small. She wants me to stop judging her for her failures, the ways that she is still unskilled in love, the ways that she can find herself in the prison of the past.

I breath in, I breath out and I dedicate today to loving myself, to practicing Ahimsa, to slowing my pace to the rhythm of my heart, my soul. When my mind races I know it is time to stop pushing, forcing and to release into the flow of God, the river of ease that will deliver me home to myself. I am coming home again in this moment, home to my selfSelf. Home to trusting that the Universe loves me, adores me, wishes all good for me, supports and sustains me. Yes, I too am a Lilly in God's field.

I place myself in the river of God and I listen for the voice of my true desire. I vow to follow the authentic promptings of my own heart and soul today. I vow to be kind to myself and to have compassion for the ways I miss the mark. I vow to behold both the woman who is clear, confident and powerful and the woman who is vulnerable, fearful, and unsure. I vow to trust the underlying rhythm and flow of my life and this sweet universe. I vow to trust that I will be delivered to the source of my desire, my devotion and my destiny.

Ahimsa. (

P.S. Interestingly enough the structure and acitivites of my morning were not all that different than any other day...subtract the kundalini yoga and add a dead sea salt soak....what was different was my presence and intimate relationship with myself. I was able to shift out of a fear-based dictator relationship with myself full of shoulds and force to a love-based romance of allowing and nurturing and unfolding. This is the sacred practice of Ahimsa. It is always an inside job!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Embodying Love

After 2 weeks of video blogging glitches...I am excited to share this (a segment from 2 weeks ago) and invite you into the journey of awakening in and fully embodying radiant love. All that is needed to initiate and activate this journey into the sacred heart...into the mysteries of your "Yes." It may be a shy and tentative yes or a bold and emphatic yes...either way, it does not matter. Proclaim it from the mountain tops or whisper it into the Beloved's ear in the silence. Just give this invitation your yes...and the life of the sacred heart will rush forward to greet you, the Divine Presence in all her glory will reach out to meet you...this beautiful Universe will come and sweep you away into sweet ecstasy...sweet agony...unbound and undiluted Sacred Love. Alaha Huba, Ameyn.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Universal Love Conspiracy

In this moment my heart is breaking open...there is so much to say and so little to say.

I love you...I am loving you.

My friend Johnny recently made a comment about my blog..."it is one continuous love letter, Anakha." I believe he is right. One long love letter...the face of the Lover and the Beloved may change, the form of Love may change...and yet the core, the essence remains untouched, preserved in its innocence, its beauty, its sweet and tender continuity.

The essence is my love for, my devotion to and my donation of my heart, my life and my living to the fire of love that dwells in the center of the sacred heart, the one global heart.

I am here to love...I am here to become essential Love. I am here to embody and express love.

The Universe is relentlessly pounding on my heart today. Pounding from the inside, pounding from the outside. My heart is being expanded, broken open...more love than I ever dreamed possible is flowing through my veins...pumping out the old limitations and circulating a radically new love force. My blood is the blood of Christ. My body the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the experience of "Christing," this is the experience of living the truth that the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Love lives within me and within you. We are the sweet encounter, the holy intersection where Lover, Loving and Beloved become One.

I am breathless, my mind numbed, stilled by the ecstasy of the heart and the magnitude of the Love that resides there.

This breaking open comes in so many forms...all ecstatic, some bittersweet...heartbreak, loss, betrayal, grief, disconnection...reconciliation, communion, intimacy, sweet love, forgiveness. All conspiring, swirling together to open me, to open me to love and loving.

I am becoming God's lover. This is both my destiny and my destination.

Today I awoke head in pain, heart spilling open, eyes filled with hot tears. I breath, I lay still, I listen for the call to love. I place a call to my brother Kip, I extend my love, I lay my heart open...and after years of missing one another...of heart to heart estrangement...connection happens...a miracle occurs. "I love you, my love is unwavering, my support is unwavering. I want to offer an open invitation for healing what lies between us," I say. "I love you and I will remember this open invitation. I am glad you called," he says.

We are one, he and I. We share the same heart.

This is the sacrament of reconciliation. Extending ourselves in love, being relentless in our loving. Loving beyond our constriction, loving beyond our fear, loving beyond rejection, loving beyond betrayal. Forgiving what seems unforgivable. Knowing that love always reaches, loves always prevails. We might not see it in this moment, or in this year, or even in this lifetime....

And, Love always reaches, always prevails...endures all, hopes all, believes all, forgives all.

Today I made a decision to love....I made a decision to radically love myself and to radically love others. To resurrect love in the darkness. I am the Love Project...this is my 24x7 work in the world. To fulfill and fully live the commandment given to me by the greatest love of my life, Yeshua, "Love one another as I am loving you." Det haboon had l'had akayana d'ena ahabtekoon.

I Anakha am The Love Project.

I have spent the first 40 years of my life resurrecting myself in Love. I will spend the next 40 years sharing the mysteries, the transformations and the teachings of Sacred Love with the world. My life is the message. My experience the teachings.

I began a pilgrimage last Thursday, March 28th initiated by a letter to Nichole ( . A pilgrimage that will take me deep into my heart to unlock the teachings of love that live inside of me. I will spend these 40 days, culminating on my 40th birthday in this process of resurrecting the sacred heart mysteries, the mysteries of our individual and collective transformation and transfiguration into Love.

I am humbled and I am honored to be here now and to hold this assignment with honor, with integrity and with deep, deep reverence.

I packed my bags this afternoon and returned to my sanctuary in Forest Park where I will write for the next month. I am so filled with love and gratitude...I am weeping...heart opened in gratitude, in love, in joy, in heartbreak, in sweet, sweet surrender.

I am resurrecting Sacred Love, I am.

Forever Yours in Love,

Awaken in Love

What happens when your soul
Begins to awaken
Your eyes
And your heart
And the cells of your body
To the great Journey of Love?

First there is wonderful laughter
And probably precious tears

And a hundred sweet promises
And those heroic vows
No one can ever keep.

But still God is delighted and amused
You once tried to be a saint.

What happens when your soul
Begins to awake in this world

To our deep need to love
And serve the Friend?

O the Beloved
Will send you
One of His wonderful, wild companions ~
Like Hafiz

Saturday, March 1, 2008

I'll Take the #8 -- iPhoneiPodBlogger Scramble

Donate yourself to Life.
Drop in.
Be still and know.
I Am.
I am God.
I am Good.
I am all you Desire.
Connect with passion.
Follow your desire
All the way down
Surrender all aspects
Of your self...Self
All aspects of your life
and your living
Place them on the altar
Better yet become an
Altar for God
For the Good
Show up
In Full Presence
Moment to Moment
Source Your Life
Ask yourself...
What would a woman acting in alignment with her worth,
her beauty, her truth, her vision do in this moment, in this situation?
What would a man acting in alignment with his truth, his presence,
is wholeness, his purpose do in this moment, in this situation?
Move in the direction of what stirs your heart...
What brings you alive...what makes tremor
Make Love
Eat Chocolate
Make More Love
with your own
Soul's' Delight
and Deliciousness
This is the fulfillment
of Desire...
Present moment
Naked awareness
Moment to moment
Acting on the impulse
to Love
to Live
to Laugh
Become naked to the world
Pulsing inside of you
the Divine Tremor
the Vibration that is
your Essence
The essential Self lives
beyond ideas of
right and wrong
beyond categories of
this and that
We are so much more
than we could have ever imagined
Especially those parts
Those disowned aspects
Surrender them to the altar
Follow them home
All the way home
Claim your wholeness
Love what has appeared unlovable
Pursue that which has seemed impossible
Love yourself, my Love
Love yourself, my Love
Surrender to the Love of God
The active, embodied
here now
of Love
of Life
of God
that is knocking on the door
of your heart
of your body
of your mind
of your soul
Open from the inside
You are beauty
Your are truth
You are Love
And I have been searching
for this face
the face of the Beloved
that lives inside of you
that lives inside of me
for my whole life
Come out
Come out
Wherever you are
Whoever you are
Come out
It is time to get busy
God making love to God
This is life
This is this life
This is each moment's invitation
Make love
Make love
Make love
For God's sake
MAKE LOVE............
Beloveds, today I give you a permission slip.
You hereby have permission to DESIRE,
to follow your DESIRE, to feel your DESIRE
to MAKE LOVE, brilliant, ecstatic LOVE
to the BEAUTY in each moment.
Free your heart
Free your mind
Free your Soul.

(written from Naked Heart headquarters (my bed this morning) listening to music on the iPhone, an experiment in altered state blogging)