Wednesday, March 12, 2008

7.11/12.07 ~ Yeshua on Ahimsa

I found this writing in my journal from July 11 & 12 2007 -- the second day of my 40 day retreat. I was sitting on a cement bench at the Shell gas station in Talent, OR. It was 105 degrees and I was drinking a big bottle of Earth2o. I had come into town to see Delayne and Lee as they passed through in their Tab trailer...they had sold Blue Moon and were en route to their new home in Mexico.

I wanted to share these writings as they were the first teachings I received from Yeshua during my time in retreat. Enjoy!

7/11/07 (I am transcribing these notes just as they were scribbled in my sacred heart journal).

Naked Heart....Naked Soul...Everyday Mystic
awareness so far
pace...natural rhythms, heartbeat, the breath...this is the pace of the sacred heart, of love, a "care-full-ness" from isness is born fullness of heart...enabling us to care ...truly love and extend love to self, other, planet, etc. Moving at an unnatural or forced pace desensitizes the heart, overrides the bodies natural functioning and well being...our organs naturally move into self-protection, self-preservation mode that the stress creates. This is also where craving or addictions or distortion begin, the body's way of trying to preserve balance in a stressed way. The body...impacted by the emotions created by stress, begins to crave artificial means to keep the pace...caffeine, sugar, pills, drugs or to relax and ground, alcohol, nicotine or even to try to connect.

Pace changes frequency, slow the pace to native state and frequency increases. Stress the pace well beyond native state and frequency will decrease.

7/12/2007 ~ Sunrise Lookout Platform, Sun, mist, valley view, mountain pose.

Ahimsa...nonviolence...true nature of the sacred heart. Neither for or against...rooted in love...mountain pose, upright, empowered stance of love...clear focus, certain of need to attack or defend...true power of gentle strength...humility, humus of the this place thinking, planning, striving, anticipating subside, subservient to the be rooted in Alaha..sacred unity, the web...requires the pace of love, breath, heartbeat, alaha huba, alaha sheba...authentic needs are met because we are moving at the pace of universal good.

I am grateful for my reconciled nature, ahimsa, nonviolence rooted in sacred unity. Thank you Yeshua for the restoration of ahimsa in my soul, in my core. Ameyn.

This truly is the most important, most blessed gift which I have needed.
Yeshua: I know my daughter-sister-bride, Ahimsa.

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