Sunday, May 11, 2008

Intimate Community

"The type of human being we prefer reveals the contours of our heart."
~ Ortega y Gasset ~

One week ago I stood naked in the living room of one of my closest friends...four of us were gathered to support each other in our process of becoming...of breaking through that which holds us back from living the lives we long for. The question posed to me..."are you willing to follow your deepest desires, are you willing to stop holding back and constricting and trust yourself...your deepest longings...your deepest knowings?"

Am I willing to disrobe, disarm, dismantle and dissolve into love? Am I willing to become naked and revealed to myself? Am I willing to be "undressed" by another's presence and unrelenting love? Will I open to the Beloved's gaze and be penetrated to my core?

The answer I uttered as I stood slowly disrobing, clothing dropping to the floor...being witnessed in my humility, in my vulnerability, in my beauty and in my grace, was a quiet, but firm..."yes!"
Yes, I am willing to give up my carefully constructed walls, false fronts and strategies to surrender and give myself to the fullness of Love that is. Yes, I am willing to bare show my core quivering, shaking, live unbridled, unbound and free. Yes, I am willing to embrace my darkness...the experiences of self-hatred and hiding as well as my brilliance.

Yes, I want to make all ways...moment to moment. To make love to life and allow it to make love to me. I want to taste it all, skin to skin...breath to breath...warmth to warmth. I want to re-member Eden before the make a return to our collective wholeness...our native nature. I want to be naked with you...naked and free.

Alchemical, intimate, beloved community. It is here now. The invitation upon we dare enter the mysteries of this radical love...or will we shrink back? Will we relegate it to some "new age" bullshit or will we see it as the opportunity to understand and experience an embodied love that can only be birthed in and through a web of relationships that are deeply committed to staying in, to entering the temple and being transformed, opened and sustained in and through the power of Love.

Love? A radical commitment, a persevering beyond, a stand for the highest good for you and me...even if that means saying things that rob the ego of its grip, its look good. Love, a tender, compassionate embrace when everything is falling away, burning away, going away...a place to melt, a place to dissolve. An invitation to bare all, become all...

I looked around the circle the other night and saw a group of beautiful, brilliant lovers...accomplished, intelligent, credentialed people...and yet I know from my conversations with some of you...many of you...that we are all needing one another to go beyond the comfort zone, to emerge from the numbing slumber, to meet our go beyond and thrive. I know I need that. I know I can offer that.

Since our gathering on Thursday ( night I have received over 30 connections through phone calls, emails and text messages...they started to come in Friday afternoon and continued through this a.m....people registering the movement into Love...into It is the Universe saying, "YES"...Yes...I know you are tired...but listen...the drumbeat sound within your hearts...saying, come...this is the way.

Let us create something real...let us contribute something essential...let us call this community of radical lovers...brilliant creators into form.
Let us become naked and revealed...let us become the elixir and the partaker of Sacred Love.
Let us serve this silent awakening.



Peter C Scrogin said...

Do I dare to be Naked with you? I want to pull back and run away to protect myself.

I went to a party and too much was revealed

Owen Anschel said...

I eagerly await the return of the sexy rev - surely there is fresh wisdom to impart upon us!

Lead us out of salvation, deeper into the realms of the great mystical erotic mysteries! Transform the shaman's saliva into words upon this screen! I beg of you!