Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Intimate Revelations

Naked Heart ~ Intimate Revelations Reading ~ 5.18.2008
Sharing some images and a writing from my first "reading" ~ an intimate gathering of 25 people and a beautiful connection of heart and soul.
My heart is opening like petals on a flower responding to the light and warmth of the Spring air. She has no choice but to open and share her sweet fragrance, for it is her nature to do so in her own time. In rhythm with the natural season of our soul we will unfold, we will blossom in Love. There is no need to push or force or see what for now is unseeable, to know what is unknowable. To trust the natural opening of the heart, to trust that it opens when in the Presence of a greater love and loving. This is one of the lessons of love. To allow the opening and the blossoming of love. To create the conditions in the heart and in the life where love can be planted, grown and brought into fruition. She responds to love and warmth. She responds to adoration. She responds to deep presence that allows her to open and to breathe in life. She needs space and time to open….she needs to feel her rhythm and yours. She needs to move in the serpentine movement of the soul, she has purpose although her purpose is in deep attunement to the underlying current, the mystical map and symbology that is leading her on. It doesn’t follow any proven formula. It looks to many like the path of insanity…for to walk the mystics path…to engage the sacred feminine…to move with the promptings of the heart requires that we move from the tower of the mind into the temple of the heart. We have grown so much in our mental capacity, developed mind. Underdeveloped heart. This is the journey into develop the capacities and the powers of the heart. The power to love beyond reason, beyond acceptance or rejection. To truly place ourselves on the altar of God and ask to be transformed and transfigured into becoming a full embodiment and radiant expression of God.

Desire, the Permission to Desire...
Wow…I feel my heart stop after writing that sentence. I feel the anxiety setting in about what do I want, what do I desire? Can I know, can I feel, can I have, and can I trust the energy of desire? Desire, love, attraction, allurement, God. Yes I went into the dessert time, the 40 days…my desire to know God, to come into intimate communion with God…my GodSelf…with nature and with the sacred heart. I wanted to open myself, to feel the love and the radiance of the Mother. To attune myself to the rhythm of God, of love…to bring myself into deep relationship with my own heart and my own capacity for love. God…to know God, to experience intimate communion with God led me into these 40 days…into the sacraments, into the fires of purification, into a more natural rhythm, into slowing my pace, into yoga, nakedness, writing, art, into right relationship with my authentic desires. Silence and intimate communion will bring us into right relationship with our natural, soul desires….slow the pace, feel your natural rhythm. Pace is key to feeling authentic desire. Slowing our pace to our natural rhythm…I believe most of us our out of right relationship with our natural rhythm…we push, force, multitask, we become disconnected with ourselves, our presence, with others around us, with truth…we become disconnected, free floating and disconnected to the deep integrity that our innate, inherent, authentic desires hold. To feel and to follow a soul desires is to embody love and enact God’s will in each moment. Return to breath, return to pace, find the rhythm. Knock and open the heart. Listen and feel the heart center as you as sing into your heart words that will open and deepen. Qush Wa Eth-Phetah. Knock and be opened, I am the door.

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