Friday, August 31, 2007

Sacred Orderings

It is late Friday night...Labor Day weekend...I open a book given to me by my dear friend Patriciafaye today..."The Enlightened Heart" and find one of my favorite prayers written by Beloved Hildegard (1098-1179):

Holy Spirit,
Giving life to all life
Moving all creatures
Root of all things
Washing them clean
Wiping out their mistakes
Healing their wounds
You are our true life
Luminous, wonderful
Awakening the heart
from its ancient sleep.

Amen Hildegard! A beautiful summation to my week, a reminder that all is in sacred order even when evidence in the 3-D may appear contrary to that truth. The Holy Spirit, Source of All Life, is always giving life to ALL life and infusing and informing all life, all experiences, all relationships, all breakthroughs and breakdowns...all is being and all can be used for Good and to embody more God in our lives. Whether an experience or an event serves my greater healing, emergence and awakening depends on my decision to surrender to what is constantly, continuously and consistently available...God's saving grace and holy salve for my awakening heart.

I started this day in a courtroom, listening to the judge address the court...handing down the verdict...five counts...2 guilty, 3 not guilty...watching "Jane" crumble as the judge spoke to her lack of credibility due to her past and watching her rise again from the ashes like the Phoenix as the day went on and together we soaked up the Holy Spirit..."washing them clean and healing their wounds" -- a beautiful example and expression of "when two or more are gathered in my name, I AM in the midst of them." All of this occurred at good ol' Shari's restaurant over a basket of fries, ranch dressing and about 5 iced teas and diet cokes. Moment after moment as the Beloved in me joined with the Beloved in her...we released further and further into the arms of God and all worry and concern faded into the joy of being together ~ alive, courageous and committed to giving rise to the passionate and ferociously loving voice and posture of the Sacred Feminine. I bow down and kiss the ground of this sacred curriculum...this life curriculum so perfectly ordered for the both of us this week. The Presence in Action...Compassion in Action...Urban Mysticism.

I ended my day at a park gathering with 3 other ministers...a beautiful sanctuary in the outdoors held by mountains and trees...a far cry from the grey carpet and walls and fluorescent lights of the courtroom. We gathered in preparation for one of our sister's ordination that will occur on September 23rd...the Fall Equinox...I am honored to stand in and as the Presence and to be a vessel for the Holy Spirit in this Sacrament. We prayed together, laughed and fell into the truth that what calls each of us...every single one of the Mystery...and none of us know, day to day, what the Divine will serve up for our personal life curriculum and sacred ordering. All we can do is, as JohnnyBoat says, BE HERE NOW...and serve each moment, each experience with as much beauty and love and joy and truth ~ with as much wild abandon ~ as our sweet Souls can muster!

I am still learning...I am still here...I am an ecstatic heart awakening and I am a soul dilating.
I am here, I am One, I am Love...We are here, We are One, We are Love.
We are in this Sacred Mystery Together...Ameyn.

May your dreams be sweet and divinely intoxicating!


Anonymous said...

I am loving this blog! Your pure heartfelt musings and ponderings speak so prolifically, poetically, and profoundly to some of my own experiences along the Way in this wonderful holy mystery called Life...the names/faces/events may be different, but the essence remains...thank you for re-minding me of the real and only Truth in it all~
that We are here, We are One, We are Love...
the "oh so sweet" spot where the horizontal intersects with the vertical...
the Sacred Heart!

And so it is!

(Keep it going, O Ecstatic One! Looking forward to more and more!)

Anonymous said...

Genial brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.