Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Kombucha and Yeshua

Here I go...my foray into blogging...somehow after my Kundalini yoga practice this morning, I found myself opening a bottle of Kombucha (citrus) and setting up this blog. I am not even sure why...although most of my actions and decisions of late come from a place beyond knowing and understanding...sometimes it feels as if I am bumbling along, yet all the while I am being lifted, inspired and heavenly guided by the Presence of the Divine Heart...the Living Christ...the Embodied Yeshua. Ho...hum...things are humming and buzzing in the world and the world of my awakened body this a.m. My heart feels a faint sadness...a dizzying grief that is dancing across the face of the world these days. One of my teachers, Andrew Harvey, says we are in a collective depression...a numbness to ourselves, one another and the despair of the world. How can I wake up today...how can I live the joy in my heart and also hold compassion for our collective Dark Night...it is a constant dance of becoming real, becoming true...That is my quest right now...in each moment to find the joy...to express the love and to source all actions, all expressions from the Truth that resides in my belly, in my pelvis, in the root and in the sky...the Truth that when revealed will contribute to the healing of the world and the emergence of our collective and most ecstatic heart. Live with me through this dance....love with me through this creation...hold with me through this letting go...let go...let go...let go. This is the way of the Ecstatic Heart...abandonment to the Scared Heart, adoration of Christic Love and allowance of the Holy Spirit to guide and order all of our holy interactions. Tetey Yeshua...Come into our lives, Infuse us with Your Grace, Your Elixir, Your Love! Ameyn!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

What a start to this record of such an amazing journey!! And catch the Freudian slip at the end of this entry: letting go "abandonment to the scared heart." Yes it is scary for all of us, even while we can be comforted and strengthened knowing our sometimes scared heart is held in love by the Sacred Heart. As it's said in Hebrew: Adonai li, v'lo ira/ G!d is with me so I need not fear.

With love and blessings on your continuing journey and our continuing ecstatic dance.
