Sunday, October 5, 2008

Walking the Narrow Path

We do not need to continue looking out there for solutions or sustenance. In deepening the theme of this series of video posts, it is time to fully root ourselves in Divine Love.

Anakha offers us simple and elegant guidelines for doing just that: forgiveness; taking a clear inventory of the aspects of ourselves that hold us hostage; and, bringing the power of Love into our pasts to change the stories that drive us.

There is no answer outside of our own inhabiting of God's vision for our lives and for this planet. For true answers, we must walk the narrow path.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A friend sent me a notice about a possible UFO event to happen OCT 14.
I hopped through several links on Youtube before landing at yours.

What you are teaching and living is more real than all the sensational expectations of ET saviors and interventionists.

At the end of the day, what still 'matters' is how we are to 'embody'
experience as spiritual entities.

I look forward to seeing your work blossom.
